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Author Topic: Current Broken Stuff  (Read 10132 times)


Current Broken Stuff
« on: February 28, 2017, 12:24:01 PM »
So I know you guys have been very busy and working on fixing stuff which is great. :D I wanted to make a post to collect a list of stuff I've found to be broken.

1.) The passive mob stacking:
Mobs stack after you breed them but they don't count as separate animals for the "animal farmer" challenge, and when you kill them they all die acting as one mob.

2.) Potions
Death fixed the first bug of the brewing ingredients not being fixed, but currently the "witch" challenge does not count any potions either (like the removed challenge)

3.) Mcmmo mining xp + double drops
When stone is generated via lava being poured onto water, if mined without moving, it gives double drops and xp. When the stone is directly pushed by a piston or when it is pushed by a piston with a placed stone in front if it, it gives only a single drop and no mining xp. If it is pushed with any other block (not fully tested, but guessing) in front of the piston it gives double drops and mining xp.

4.) Dungeons
The money drop amount was fixed, but I'm not sure that the special mob kills are working properly, because I've seen the message for 175/200 killed several times as well as previous increments of 25, also mobs drop golden nuggets sometimes. (I'm not sure if this is an artifact of the previous money system or if it's cause some of the mobs are re-skinned zombie pigmen. And I'm not talking about the gold ingots for the special mob kills.) Also looting enchantments seems to increase the drop rate of spirit essence. (I think 2 soul essence from each boss it the right amount, so maybe no issue there.)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 12:26:39 PM by Roescoe »


Re: Current Broken Stuff
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2017, 04:10:15 PM »
Thank you for this report, i will start a thorough investigation ASAP for each issue.

Also a little update for the potion issue with challenges.

I spent quite a bit of time trying various item NBT formatting in the config for potions and i discovered a format that allows the plugin to detect the correct potion, however it displays like this in the challenges window for each potion:

Needless to say this makes it extremely difficult for the player to know which potion is required for the challenge, BUT it works.

After contacting the developer about this i received this response:

I am not really happy with using a more descriptive title on the challenge. What we will most likely end up doing is have the challenge require all of the crafting materials for each of those potions in the Alchemist challenge instead of the potions themselves.


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