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Messages - Tiff90cat

Pages: [1]
Server Suggestions / Re: Slimefun: Endless Bugs and Pain?
« on: April 06, 2018, 07:46:13 PM »
I absolutely love slimefun!! Some of the machines give me a headache at times to understand, but i love the concept of each one. I've been on the server for over 6 months now, and I've put a ton of work into my island. I really don't want to see that go. Plus i know, personally, there is still more stuff to learn about it and try out since I haven't even made all the machines yet. I know bugs are annoying (real life bugs are annoying enough) but i believe the benefit of playing on this server with slimefun definitely outweighs the headaches. Maybe if we had someone else helping with the bug fixing it will make the work a little less for everyone already working so hard on them...not sure how all that works >.> Now this is coming from a causal player (if i wanted something harder i'd play on survival with those crazy mobs), so of course anything to make my life easier so i can build more sounds like a good plan to me. And i put in A TON of grinding hours for my plants to get them to where they are today! In short, I will be super sad if they disappear...

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