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Author Topic: Skyblocks Donor Rank Guide  (Read 38550 times)


Skyblocks Donor Rank Guide
« on: January 06, 2017, 03:54:30 AM »
Note: To anyone that bought a rank with a title, please see the guidelines in the next post.
When you know what you would like, contact a staff member or send in a /ticket.

Higher ranks receive all bonuses of the previous ranks.
There's a commands guide in the third post.

Click here for a spreadsheet of donor perks

Grass - $6
Title: [Donor]
Title: [Grass]
$500 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
Instant promotion to the Member+ group.
Receive 3 Bonus Tokens daily using the /dailybonus command.
+15% Bonus Skybucks when completing challenges.
Access to the Donor Island, a special area on the server reserved for donors.
Access to change your name & name color.
Ability to purchase rank 4 perks from the /donor menu.
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 20, Animals: 250

Grass Commands:
/donorisland command to access a special area only available to Donors.
/nick command to change your name & name color. ~ Note: Formatting in nicknames is not part of the perk! You can request to have Italics.
/dailybonus command to claim your daily bonus.
/kit grass (every 5 days) containing:
10x Grass Block
10x Sand
64x Cobblestone
1x Iron Pickaxe

Iron - $11
Title: [Iron]
$1,200 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
+20% Bonus Skybucks when completing challenges.
Access to /back (where you died, last teleported from, etc).
Access to use a portable crafting table via /workbench command.
Disguises: Chicken, Cow, Pig, Sheep
Trails: Hearts, Angry, Magic, Fun
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 30, Animals: 300, Villagers: 12

Iron Commands:
/back command to return to your last location.
/workbench to use a portable crafting table.
/disguise to wear a disguise.
/trails Opens the GUI to select particle trails.
/kit iron (every 5 days) containing:
20x Grass Block
20x Sand
128x Cobblestone
5x Iron Ingot
1x Iron Pickaxe

Gold - $16
Title: [Gold]
$1,400 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
+30% Bonus Skybucks when completing challenges.
Disguises: Spider, Zombie, Skeleton, Creeper, Blaze, Bat, Horse, Mule.
Trails: Clouds, Witch Magic, Ender, Green
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 40, Animals: 375, Golems: 7

Gold Commands:
/kit gold (every 5 days) containing:
30x Grass Block
30x Sand
192x Cobblestone
10x Iron Ingot
1x Iron Pickaxe

Emerald - $26
Title: [Emerald]
1 Custom Prefix Title *
$1,600 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
Receive 4 Bonus Tokens daily using the /dailybonus command.
Access to different colors and font styles in chat.
10 Super Crate Keys
EnderChest size increased to 36 slots.
Access to a command to completely heal your character (usable every 24 hours).
Disguises: Donkey, Cave Spider, Endermite, Magma Cube, Ocelot, Slime, Pig Zombie, Rabbit.
Trails: Spark, Flame, White, Note,
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 50, Animals: 450, Villagers: 14
Access to /sethome with limit of 1 home. Note: Nether and End worlds only.
Access to Mob Catcher for Peaceful Mobs: Mooshroom, Pig, Sheep, Cow, Chicken, Squid, Wolf, Ocelot, Iron Golem, Snow Golem, Bat, Horse, Rabbit, Donkey, Llama, Mule, Skeleton Horse, Zombie Horse.

/medic to completely heal your character (usable every 24 hours).
/fc craft to open a portable FastCraft grid.
/sethome Set a custom specified home.
/kit emerald (every 5 days) containing:
20x Emeralds

Diamond - $52
Title: [Diamond]
2 Custom Prefix Titles * (or 1 additional title if upgrading from the Emerald Rank)
Repair a damaged item to full every 24 hours.
$2,500 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
Access to colored and formatted signs.
+50% Bonus Skybucks when completing challenges.
EnderChest size increased to 45 slots.
20 Super Crate Keys
McMMO Lucky Perk (33.3% better chance for abilities to activate)
Access to use an item as a hat.
Access to /anvil to repair any item to full durability (usable every 24 hours).
Disguises: ALL Disguises except Bosses.
Trails: Snow, Water, Lava, Crit, Smoke, Spell, Enchant, Splash, Slime.
Block Trails: Rainbow, Flower, Carpet, Redstone
Rain Trails: Tear, Blood
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 100, Animals: 525
Access to /sethome with limit of 3 homes.  Note: Nether and End worlds only.
Access to Mob Catcher for Hostile Mobs: Pig Zombie, Magma Cube, Cave Spider, Creeper, Skeleton, Spider, Zombie, Slime, Ghast, Enderman, Blaze, Angry Wolf, Witch, Wither Skeleton, Endermite, Guardian, Shulker, Husk, Zombie Villager, Vindicator, Evoker, Vex, Stray.

Diamond Commands:
/hat to use the item currently in your hand as a hat.
/anvil to repair a damaged item to full. (usable every 24 hours).
/kit diamond (every 5 days) containing:
2x Diamonds

Obsidian - $78
Title: [Obsidian]
3 Custom Prefix Titles * (Or 1 additional title if upgrading from the Diamond Rank. Or 2 additional titles if upgrading from the Emerald Rank)
$5,000 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
Receive 5 Bonus Tokens daily using the /dailybonus command.
30 Super Crate Keys
EnderChest size increased to 54 slots.
Permanent 10% Boost to any mcMMO experience earned.
Access to set your own time of day.
Access an enderchest from any location - * (not available in the dungeon world).
Disguises: ALL Disguises including Bosses.
Trails: ALL Available Particle Trails.
Block Trails: ALL Available Block Trails.
Rain Trails: ALL Available Rain Trails.
Particle Wings + Wing Builder!
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 200, Animals: 600, Golems: 10, Villagers: 16
Access to /sethome with limit of 5 homes. Note: Nether and End worlds only.
Access to Mob Catcher for Villagers.

Obsidian Commands:
/ptime to set your own time of day
/ptday Locks player time to day.
/ptnight Locks player time to night.
/pweather to change your personal weather in the world. ie: /pweather sun
/ender to access an enderchest from any location - * (not in the dungeon world)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 07:12:00 AM by FaliniFyreheart »


Re: Veteran Donor Rank Guide
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2017, 04:10:53 AM »
Custom Titles

Custom prefix titles were available for $25+ donors.

Donating $25 (Emerald Rank) will allow you to pick 1 custom title, $50 (Diamond Rank) will allow you to pick 2 custom titles, and $75 (Obsidian Rank) will allow you to pick 3 custom titles (every $25 after that will add 1 custom title to your list).

When choosing your custom title, it must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • They can be any color. They can also be bold, italic, strike-through, or underlined.
  • They can be up to 15 characters long (not counting the [ ])
  • They can be about most topics, even if it doesn't have to do with Minecraft (except for the stuff listed below).
  • They can't be offensive. No racism, sexism, or negative stuff about a player will be accepted in a title.
  • They can't contain curse words.
  • They can't contain any words that suggest you are part of the server staff, i.e. owner, mod, admin, etc., and they also cannot contain the word "guest".
  • They can't contain the "magic" formatting code (the one that makes text random gibberish).
Once you decide what you want your title(s) to be, an admin or mod will need to create it for you. There are several ways to go about this:

  • (Best Method) If a mod or admin is online, send them a message telling them what you want for your title.
  • Send a /mail in game to a member of the server staff with the title that you want (be sure to include color codes like &a, &d, etc)
  • Send a private message to a member of the server staff on the forums (red and green names).

Be sure to take your time and choose a title that you like and will be happy with.
* We allow 1 free "do-over" per title if you decide you do not like it, but after that we will not change the title again.


Re: Veteran Donor Rank Guide
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2017, 07:37:01 AM »
Commands Guide

/donor - Brings up a perks menu only for donors.
/donorisland - Teleports you to Donor Island, a special place only accessed by donors! Bonus loot, trades, and an Enchanter!
/nick - Give yourself a nickname! Supports colors. Example: /nick &cFalini
/back - Go back to the last teleport you made.
/kit - Get items from a kit you have access to. Example: /kit grass
/allkits - Claims all the kits you have access to.
/workbench - Open up a virtual crafting table!
/medic - Completely heal yourself! Usable every 24 hours.
/anvil - Repair a damaged item to full durability. Usable every 24 hours.
/hat - Wear a block as a hat in place of a helmet!
/disguise or /d - Disguise as a monster or animal! Example: /d wolf
/u - Undisguise.
/ender - Open a virtual Enderchest!
/fc craft -
/ptime - Set your own time of day.
/pweather - Change your personal visual weather in the world.
/sethome - Set a home in the Nether or End. "/sethome (name)"
/home - Go to your sethome by doing "/home (name)"
/delhome - Remove a sethome by doing "/delhome (name)"
« Last Edit: September 13, 2017, 08:14:54 PM by FaliniFyreheart »


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