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Messages - FaliniFyreheart

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Server Suggestions / Titles/Tags Suggestions - Skyblocks
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:23:25 PM »
What other tags would you like to see available for purchase in the /perks shop?

Previous suggestions:
Skyblock Master
Fortune Maker

[Ninja] Title in &8. Comes with an iron sword named "Katana" and a Potion of invisibility that is named "Cloaking Device". Can be bought for the same amount as Rogue ($12,000).

[FallenAngel] Title in &4. Comes with (player who buys the title.. their head), a leather cap that is dyed red and is named in &4 "Devil's Crown". Can be bought for $50,000. (Because of head)

[Saint] Title in &f. Comes with a randomly enchanted book, and comes with an iron sword named "Holy Grail". Can be bought for $25,000.
[Builder](sort of like Architect but has better rewards) Such as 2 stacks of Stone, an enchanted iron pickaxe (enchants: Silk Touch 1, Unbreaking 3), and 32 glass. Can be bought for $50,000.

[Beast] (This is a special suggestion that came from a player lol..) Title in &4. Comes with a diamond sword named "BeastKiller" and comes with an axe named "Beheader" with 3 enchants (enchants: Sharpness 4, Fire aspect 2, and knockback 1). Can be bought for $100,000.

[Angel]. Title in &9. Comes with 1 hour(s) of /fly time, and also comes with a leather cap thats dyed white/gray and is named "God's Creation".
Can be bought for $50,000

[Pirate]Title in &6. Comes with an iron sword named "Cutlass" and a leather cap thats dyed Black and is named "Pirate Cap". Can be bought for $5,000.

[Hybrid]Title in &7. Comes with an Diamond Sword, Bow, 16 Arrows, and a Potion of Instant Health 2. Can be bought for $15,000.

[Executioner]Title in &4. Comes with a Diamond Sword named "Guillotine" with the (enchant: Sharpness 3)

Prince in &b
Princess in &d
Doctor in &9
Nurse in &5
Maestro in &6. Comes with Disc 13 and a few NoteBlocks. Make the title cost like $5k. or add it to maestro challenge reward


Master skill titles for each MCMMO Skill. Requirement is you reach 1,000 levels in the skill.
Apprentice skill titles for each MCMMO Skill. Requirement is you reach 500 levels in the skill.

MCMMO List In Progress
Herbalism, Fishing, Mining, Smelting, Repair, Woodcutting, Archery, Excavation, Alchemy, Swords, Acrobatics, Unarmed, Axes, Taming

Master Herbalist
Master Fisher
Master Miner
Master Smelter
Master Blacksmith (Repair)
Master Lumberjack
Master Ranger (Archery)
Master Landscaper (Excavation)
Master Alchemist
Master Swordsman
Olympian (Acrobatics)
Master Brawler (Unarmed)
Axe Murderer (Axes)
Master Druid (Taming)

Apprentice Herbalist
Apprentice Fisher
Apprentice Miner
Apprentice Smelter
Apprentice Blacksmith
Apprentice Lumberjack
Apprentice Ranger
Apprentice Landscaper
Apprentice Alchemist
Apprentice Swordsman
Apprentice Acrobatic
Apprentice Brawler
Beast Master (Taming)

Server Suggestions / Ultimate Skyblock Server Suggestions - Retired
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:17:54 PM »
These were suggestions for the Ultimate Skyblock Server. Keeping around for ideas for Epic Skyblock. Will make a new thread for ESB when it releases.

Any suggestions related to the Ultimate Skyblock server can go in this thread! Such as..

Parkour, perks, events, donation store, spawn shop, holiday related, etc.

Dungeons - Maps, mobs, loot.

Competitions - Try to include as much information as possible. The theme, any rules that apply, requirements, etc!

Challenges - If you can, include the title, requirements, if it's repeatable or not, first time rewards, and if there are repeatable rewards and what they are.
Challenge Name:
First Time Rewards:
Repeatable Rewards:

Some ideas suggested from the previous threads:

Purchase XP levels with in-game money
Purchase custom tags with Vote Tokens.

volcano based dungeon, with blazes and wither skellies

Most of the good loot from bosses are weapon based , can we add iron ignots,or emeralds to the mix? Since not many people buy weapons

Make a Abandoned Village map for dungeons,make the 2 basic mobs Spiders and Cave Spiders,and the Boss should be a Zombie King,the Zombie King should be located in a Castle at the Side of the Village.And the other boss should be a Spider King located in a Giant Web in the Center of the Village.

Haunted House map!With Cave spiders and Zombies!One of the bosses should be at the top of the house.The other boss would be on floor -2!

Maybe add more weapon types! Like maybe enchanted iron ingots for brass knuckles, or shovels for maces! And of course, hoes for scythes!

I would love to see a huge, multi-level (like 5 or more) dungeon with piston-hidden treasure rooms. Throw in some major bosses and mobs (most doing ranged attacks) and make it so one can NOT solo it, even in full diamond armor. You could disable the mobs and treasure chests for a good event location too.

snow themed map. Maybe a deserted snow-covered village of some sort or power station?

Loot chests with 24hr reset time.

Small reward chests with 24hr reset time with simple items. Plants, saplings, blocks, random ingots.

Suggested plugins - LokiDungeon, EpicBoss, and Instances

like the movie FROZEN or something like that. One of the bosses could be that giant snow golem Elsa made and the monster, an evil olaf.

This idea by snake901.

This idea by RetroGamerChick.

Ray's idea for the Dungeon Guide (/ft)

Misa/Alice expanding on that.

Staff dungeon.

Mob names:
General of Hell's Armies
Lord Crispiness
Duke of Deep-Fried
Sultan of Sizzling
Emir of Ooey-Gooey

A dark forest map with Dire Wolves as the enemies, Obviously there'd be the Alpha Wolf as a boss, but a witches coven hidden on the map with the coven leader as a second boss.

Donation Store
MCMMO levels
Decoration item pack - Vines, ferns, dead bushes, flowers, lilypads, etc.
EchoPet / Other Pet Plugin
Disco Armor

Challenge Name: Carnivore.
Requirements: 64 Cooked Porkchops, 64 Steaks, 64 Cooked Chicken, 64 Cooked Rabbit, 64 Cooked Mutton.
Repeatable: Yes.
First Time Rewards: [carnivore] Tag, a Horse spawn egg, Diamond Barding.
Repeatable Rewards: Random animal spawn egg and a Saddle.
^Also possible to add mutton.

Challenge Name: Wolf/Dog Tamer
Requirements: 10 dogs spawned in if that's possible if not then 10 spawn eggs in hand
First Time Rewards: Dog Tamer Tag, 32 Bones, 1 Wolf Spawn Egg

Challenge Name: Cat Lady
Requirements: Have 10 tamed cats on your island.
Rewards: [cat lady] tag, Chicken Eggs (not spawn eggs), Creeper Egg(s)

Challenge Name: Horse Whisperer
Requirements: Have 10 tamed horses on your island.
Rewards: [horse whisperer] tag, Lead(s), Golden Apple(s)

Challenge Name: "Ice Ice Baby" or maybe "Cold Hearted"
Requirements: 8 Snow, 8 Ice
Repeatable: Yes.
First Time Rewards: 8 Packed Ice
Repeatable Rewards: 1 Packed Ice

Challenge Name: Natures Rainbow
Requirements: 16 of every stained clay color

Thanksgiving, free food for everyone all day at special thanksgiving location :3

1. Let players disguise as common mobs like Zombies and Skeletons.
2. Have a maze (using Haybales as the walls).
3. Scavenger hunt Find Jack-o-lanterns and get goodies.
4. Secret title (Like... [spooky] or [scary]?)
5. Haunted House Dungeon
6. "Nether" Parkour. Using things like soul sand where ice is normally used, stationary lava where floating water blocks would be, and other bits of nastiness.

temple made out of stone bricks... have some vines the people go up and have some ladder parkour in there, and have 3 checkpoints

jungle parkour

Race Parkour maps. Like, you get X people into the course, and the goal is the first to make it to the end gets the big prize while the runners up get the booby prize.

Cooperative Courses, where to make it through you need at least two people to activate triggers and such.

Independence Day (July 4) - Red white and blue! Be patriotic!
Air balloon
3D Art
Pixel Art
Amusement Park
Scale Models
Secret Bases
Warp Area
"Lego" Castle
Redstone Contraption
Staff Shrines (or just pick your favorite staff member and make a shrine for them)
Map art
Creative home interior designs
Villages revisited
Castles revisited

Perk familiar terrain 1,2,& 3. Each level decreases fall damage by 25%. 1: 25% 2: 50% 3: 75%

Server Suggestions / Economy Survival Suggestions - Post Here!
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:16:03 PM »
This thread was created for people to post their ideas and suggestions for the Economy Survival. Please post them here. Thanks!

Previous suggestions:
Colorize the /ranks list to match the titles in chat.
Ranks leaderboard, if possible. | Allow a /rank <rank> command to see all who's achieved the rank. A mock up of sorts for a rank leaderboard.
Purchase Vote Tokens with in-game money? $100k for 10 Tokens.

Spawn Casino, like on Skyblocks?

Some parkour courses for Survival for those of us that just can't stop tapping our spacebars. Unlock new courses for each rank (Manager, CEO, etc). Cash or Item rewards, no big deal either works.

New world idea:
Superflat water world with Water Temple generation, that players can come explore. But only with right gear (water breathing, respiration), see there's layers of bedrock keeping them underwater. Allow mob spawns so players can utilize a guardian farm. Idea can be expanded and played with. Adds a nice beneficial return for a challenge world. Also allows for cool spawn/warp camp ideas (e.g. Atlantis, Sunken Ship)

This is what I generated to show the idea of the water world. Could replace squid spawns with more guardians for increased difficulty, but looking at how many guardians are in a temple. The difficulty is already pretty up there. Basically, the terrain is underwater extreme hills and all air is replaced with 256 layers of solid ocean. Temples generate decently close but not too close to each other. I'm thinking spawn for the world could sit somewhere on the ocean floor and have the water drained out so that it's safe inside from drowning/guardians.

P.S. Could even generate natural caves and ore/mineshafts underneath surface to allow mining if you dare.

In a world... safe from hostile mobs. One man, with an idea. Sets forth to the local forums to speak. The man says let their be a randomly generated boss-type mob spawned in randomly generated location on a set amount of delay between each one. When the mob spawns, broadcast the coords of that mob. Let that mob drop great treasure/great cash. But don't make that mob an easy fight, and that man calls this idea; The Mob Hunt.

Toggleable Join and Leave messages. See them or don't.

Survival: autopickup perk, or way to get an Infused Magnet (Slimefun) type item

Important Server Information / Mob Spawners on Skyblocks
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:10:43 PM »

I am writing this because a number of players seem to be mention/suggest adding spawners so I want to address this subject for all the players interested in why we haven't and probably never will add them to the server.

Please remember that this server was designed to be a challenge. Also, the natural mob spawn rate on the server is lower than your default settings. This helps to reduce lag, provide better survivability on your island, and creates more of a challenge when it comes to completing the challenges.

Mob Spawners take away from all of these things, causing the game balance to be skewed and making things easier. You are able to kill more mobs, gain more xp/levels making it easier to enchant items, and gain mob drops at a very increased rate. If not properly set up for auto-killing, can overpopulate an area creating a massive amount of lag that can affect the entire server. Also, since players gain currency for killing mobs, this would also provide a method players could abuse to gain a lot of currency in game.

If you want more mobs, you can build a traditional mob farm. I recommend the more traditional versions over the ones that use redstone and clocks to automate the process of clearing the platform(s) because with the reduced spawn rate they don't work as well as the traditional ones. Youtube has a lot of great Minecraft tutorials on how to build farms. If you are just wanting to get the loot, try adventuring through the dungeons.

Please understand that we have thought about the pros and cons, but mob spawners do not fit into our vision of what we want for the server or the challenge we want to provide our players. This includes selling them at spawn, giving them out as prizes, or making them available as loot from dungeons or parkour.


This is a topic a number of players have raised, so I wanted to address the issue and a couple of the reasons why we don't put more items in the spawn shop to sell.

Currently, the only item you can sell is Emeralds for money. However, there are multiple ways to get money on the server. Please see our FAQ for more information on ways to earn money.

The idea behind the server's economy is to be a challenge and make it take time to earn up money. This helps make it so being able to afford certain things is truly a way of showing how much work you have put in and progress you have made. With that being said, I will also say you have a lot more ways to earn money now compared to when I started playing on the server.

Let's start with Emeralds being sold. The number of emeralds that can enter into our economy has been controlled by removing the ability for players to trade with Villagers. If this had not been done, players could have had stacks and stacks of Emerald blocks in no time at all. This is common to see on other servers where similar things have been attempted to control the economy but villagers were not blocked. By doing this, we now have an item that can be easily controlled and also allows for other things to mean more as well since you can't just trade a villager for them. You can literally destroy most server economies with just a Villager trading setup and some automatic/semi-automatic farms.

Other items have been suggested as being able to be sold, however all of these items can be farmed.
Basic crops - These are the most obviously able to be farmed and so would make a poor choice to use as a way to gain currency.
Ores/resources - All of these can be farmed (iron, gold, etc). Also, since we use mcmmo, fishing allows access to some additional resources and so does excavation. Also, once you get repair high enough to have the child skill salvage, it can net you tons of iron, gold, and diamonds when used with fishing.
Nether mob drops - There isn't a single nether mob based drop that you can't farm. If you don't believe me, check out youtube for videos on how to accomplish this.
Enderpearls - We have a challenge that allows you to unlock access to the end. Once you have access to the end, it isn't that hard to create methods to farm endermen for enderpearls.

Instead of adding more items to sell at the spawn shop, we have instead taken the approach to add more ways to earn emeralds and money to the server. Again, check out the above linked FAQ for some additional information.

Forum Games / The Broken Vending Machine
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:06:04 PM »
Brought to you by Death!

So this is the game:

To start, one person puts something into the vending machine and another person takes something else out.

Every person has to take something out and put something else in the machine. Whatever was put in/taken out can be related or not.


Death wrote:
I put in a toothbrush

FaliniFyreheart wrote:
I take out a empty bag of Lays.
I put in a jar of maple syrup.

XHorrible_GamerX wrote:
I take out a maple tree.
I put in

and so on... Have Fun! 

I'll start:
I put in a rubber ducky.

Forum Games / Ban the Player Above You!
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:05:27 PM »
Brought to you by XHorrible_GamerX

Hey Guys   This is a Forum Game where you ban the player that posts before you! (not really but oh well)

The set up goes like this:
(playername) banned for:

So for example say Fal posts this:
BINGOKING1998 banned for: Still wearing a Christmas hat on his skin!

and then the player that posts after Fal will ban her for example:
Death wrote:
FaliniFyreheart banned for: Spelling "fire' wrong!

And so on  so whoever posts first will ban me D:

Have Fun!

Forum Games / Count to 1337!
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:04:05 PM »
Each person posts a number, going up by 1 for each post. The person to post as #1337 wins!
Player A - 1
Player B - 2
Player C - 3
Player D - 4

I will start with...

Forum Games / Corrupt A Wish
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:03:10 PM »
Grant and corrupt the wish above you in an ironic, funny way.

Player 1: I wish I could fly.
Player 2: You can fly, but the only way to land is just fall to the ground. I wish I lived in France.
Player 3: Granted, but you can't speak French. I wish I could travel around the world.
Player 4: You can travel, but only on foot. I wish I had a pool.


I will start with:
I wish I had unlimited coffee.

Forum Games / Minecraft Word Chain
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:02:58 PM »
You take the last letter of the word posted before you for the first letter of your word. Keep it Minecraft themed! Blocks, items, biomes, mobs, etc!
Try not to use the same word someone else has used!

For example:
Player 1 - Podzol
Player 2 - Lilac
Player 3 - Crafting table
Player 4 - Egg


I will start with:
Ender Dragon

Forum Games / Band Name Game
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:02:45 PM »
In alphabetical order, post band names that you like! One band name per post.
You are also welcome to include a Youtube video to a song done by that artist! Just include a link to the video in your post.

For example:
Billy Idol

I will start with:

Forum Games / ABC Movies
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:02:32 PM »

In alphabetical order, post movies that you like! One movie per post. You can even post a picture of the movie poster if you'd like. Try not to stretch the page. Smaller pictures are good! But if you need to, instead of just img tags, try:

Code: [Select]
[img width=400]PICTURE LINK[/img]
I will start with:


Forum Games / Create a Sentence from 5 Letters
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:02:19 PM »
The point is to make a sentence that makes sense using the 5 provided letters by the previous poster.

Player 1 - ILTPM
Player 2 - I Like To Play Minecraft. DODIA
Player 3 - Domain Of Death Is Awesome. ABCDE


I will start with:

Forum Games / Change A Letter
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:01:49 PM »
Change one letter from the previous poster's word to make a new word!

Player A: Belt
Player B: Bent
Player C: Bend
Player D: Bond
Player E: Pond
Player F: Pony

I will start with:

Forum Games / This Or That?
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:00:49 PM »
Answer the previous question, and come up with your own!

Player 1 - Iron Maiden or Metallica?
Player 2 - Metallica. Die by hanging or by guillotine?
Player 3 - Guillotine. Pepsi or Coke?


I will start out with:
Pumpkin pie or Cake?

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