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Author Topic: Dungeon Mob Suggestions - Post Here!  (Read 35406 times)


Dungeon Mob Suggestions - Post Here!
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:25:52 PM »
Thread created by Death

I have created this thread due to the fact that i am currently needing more suggestions for custom mobs and their skills.

As i am going through the process of creating new custom mobs for the re-configured dungeons, i usually get ideas for different skills which ultimately leads to a whole new custom mob or boss! However, i would like to get ideas from the community as well about certain things you all think would be cool to see a new mob or boss have, specifically their skills.

Keep in mind the custom mobs must be within the realm of possibility and within a reasonable level of complexity (cannot have 100 abilities and adds).

With all of that being said, there is quite a bit of options available for mob skills (which i will go ahead and list) to give you an idea of just some of the things that are possible with custom mobs!

Also, please try to be creative about your suggestions. Don't just suggest something like a spider that shoots a fireball or something...which actually would be pretty cool for a minion that is spawned by a boss! Be creative with your suggestions, you want super cool mobs after all...don't you? :D

Perhaps even something like this:
Quote from: Random Player
I would very much like to see a wither skeleton necromancer that has the following attributes:

- Low Health
- Leather armor (dyed black)
- Immune to Poison/Wither/Knockback
- Average DPS
- Chance to summon wither skeleton minions that only live for a few seconds.
- Consume nearby wither skeleton minions within a radius dealing damage to them to siphon health to boss.
- Drops above average gear with a small chance to drop an epic diamond sword with OP enchants.

You get the idea...  :D

Don't let the following information in the Spoilers below scare you from making suggestions. The information is simply there to help you with your suggestions. I will take on all the difficulty involved in creating the mobs (unless you want to help script them?? :P).

Skill Conditions
[spoiler]Conditions are used to determine whether or not a particular skill can execute.

biome [biomename]
Execute the skill if the mob is in a particular biome.

haspotioneffect [potion_effect]
Execute the skill if the mob is under a particular potion effect.

height [number_range]
Execute the skill if the mob is within a particular height range

heightabove / heightbelow [number]
Execute the skill if the mob is above or below a particular height.

inblock [material_type]
Execute the skill if the mob is in a particular block material.
- Useful generally to check if a mob is in water, air, lava, etc rather than a solid material.

inregion/notinregion [region]
Execute the skill if the mob is in a particular region defined by WorldGuard plugin

level [number_range]
Execute the skill if the mob is of a particular level range.

lightlevel [number_range]
Execute the skill if the mob in a light level within a certain range.

lightlevelabove / lightlevelbelow [number]
Execute the skill if the mob is located in a light level above or below a certain number.

lunarphase [phase]
Execute the skill if it is a particular day.
- Comma separated list of game days (0*7) representing the lunar phase.
- lunarphase 0,2,4

mobsinchunk [number_range]
Execute the skill if a certain amount of mobs are present in the chunk.

mobsinworld [number_range]
Execute the skill if a certain amount of mobs are present in the world.

offgcd [true/false]
Executes the skill if the mobs global cooldown is up.
- The mobs global cooldown is a time period or delay during which the mob can not execute any skills (if defined as such using this condition)
- Must use the GCD skill to set the global cooldown in a skill or the global cooldown will always be up.
- Frequently used for mobs that have more than one spell or skill to keep them from casting them simultaneously which generally is not preferred.

onblock [material_type]
Execute the skill if the mob is standing on a particular block material.

outside/inside [true/false]
Execute the skill if the mob is either inside or outside.
- Outside is defined by the mob having a clear line of sight to the sky. Inside is the opposite.

playernotwithin [distance]
Execute the skill if the player is not within a certain amount of blocks.

playerwithin [distance]
Execute the skill if the player is within a certain amount of blocks.

raining [true/false]:
Executes the skill if it is raining or not.

stance [string]
Executes the skill if the mob is in a particular stance.

sunny [true/false]
Executes the skill if it is sunny or not.

targetdistance [number_range]
Executes the skill if the mob is within specific distance range.
- Accepts a range (10-20, etc).

targetinlineofsight / targetnotinlineofsight [true/false]
Executes the skill if the mob has or does not have line of sight to the player.
- Frequently used with targetwithin / targetnotwithin conditions for detrimental type skills.

thundering [true/false]
Executes a skill if it is thundering or not.

wearing [item_name]:[slot]
Executes a skill if a mob is wearing a particular item.

world [worldname]
Executes a skill if in a particular world.

worldtime [number_range]
Executes a skill if during a particular time of day.

Skill Triggers
[spoiler]Triggers are used to determine how a skill is triggered.


When the mob hits something

When the mob is damaged

When the mob spawns

When the mob dies

Every # ticks (where # is the interval in ticks)

When the mob is right-clicked

When the mob kills a player

When the mob enters combat

When the mob leaves combat

When the mob changes targets

When the mob explodes (typically only used for creepers)

When the mob teleports (typically only used for endermen)

Mob Skills
[spoiler]Here is a repository of all possible mob skills.

Activate Spawner
Forcefully activates a custom mob Spawner at X,Y,Z if it is not on cooldown or warmup.

Arrow Volley
Fires a volley of arrows.

Executes a command from the console.

Consumes nearby mobs of a given type within a radius and deals damage to them, healing the mob that executed the skill for each mob dealt damage.

Deals damage to players or entities.

Halts execution of a skill for a specified time.

Disguises the mob as the defined string.

Causes the mob to dismount its mount if it is riding one.

Eject Passenger
Forces the rider of the mob to dismount it.

Equips an item on the mob overwriting any other items being worn.

Causes an explosion on all players/entities within a given radius.

Force Pull
Teleports all targets within a given radius to the mob.

Global Cooldown
Sets the mobs global cooldown attribute for a define amount of ticks. Generally used in conjunction with the offgcd skill condition to prevent mobs from casting multiple spells simultaneously.

Heals the mob or entity for a specified amount.

Sets all nearby players/entities on fire for a specified amount of ticks.

Makes the mob jump.

Makes the mob leap through the air to its target.

Strikes all players/entities within the specified radius with a bolt of lightning.

Sends a message to all players that are targeted by the skill.

Causes the mob to mount another Mob with the given name

Mount Target
Causes the mob to mount its current target.

Applies a potion effect to all players/entities in a specified radius.

Imprisons the target inside of a sphere of blocks.

Fires a particle projectile that casts other meta skills on impact with the ground or an entity or as the projectile passes through something

Pulls all players/entities at the mob within a specified radius with at a given velocity.

Push Button
Activates a button in the mobs world at specified coordinates.

Causes all nearby applicable mobs within the given radius to attack the mobs target.

Random Skill
Executes a random meta skill from a list of supplied skills.

Removes the target entity from existence (does not work on players)

Send Action Message
Sends a message to the target player's action bar. (requires 1.8+)

Send Title Message
Sends a title message to the target player's screen. (requires 1.8+)

Set Stance
Sets the mobs stance variable to a specified string. This value can be used as a flag of sorts to later reference in the stance skill condition to alternate through different stances or phases for a mob.

Shoot Fireball
Causes the mob to shoot a fireball at their current target with the specified parameters.

Shoot Potion
Causes the mob to shoot a splash potion

Causes the mob to fire a projectile of a given type.

Shoot Skull
Causes the mob to fire a skull.

Executes a meta skill. All skills in the meta skill will inherit the target modifier

Causes the mob to instantly die.

Causes the mob to summon [amount] specified mobs within [radius] of the target.

Causes the mob to teleport to the target. Teleport position can also be randomized using the spread options.

Throws back all targets according to a specified horizontal/vertical strength.

Toggle Lever
Toggles a lever at a given coordinate for a specified duration.

Changes the weather in the current world for a specified duration.

The Targeters
[spoiler]Targeters are used to determine what a skill targets when it is fired.

The skill will target the mob casting it.

The skill will target the location of the mob casting it.

The skill will target the current target of the mob.

The skill will target the location of the current target of the mob.

The skill will target the highest threat holder.

The skill will target a random player on the threat table.

The skill will target all players in the current world.

The skill will target all players in the server.

The skill will target all players within the specified radius.

The skill will target the locations of all players within the specified radius.

The skill will target all players within the specified “ring” of radius's.

The skill will target the coordinates specified.

The skill will target all entities within the specified “ring” of radius's.

The skill will target all entities within the specified radius.

The skill will target all entities in the current world.

The skill will target all mobs listed in the targeter that are within the specified radius.

The skill will target the entity that triggered the skill.

Targets the location of the “origin” or “source” of a meta-skill. While that is usually the casting mob, there are special cases where that is not true (such as with the Projectile Skill, where the “origin” is the location of the projectile).

Targets players near the “origin” of a meta-skill. For example, it is commonly used in the onEnd meta-skill called by a Projectile skill.



Re: Dungeon Mob Suggestions - Post Here!
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2017, 01:48:14 PM »
Im so happy this post is here! :D
So I have quite a few Ideas for Dungeon Mobs.
I will be putting all of my Ideas in list form since I find its the easiest way to put all ideas down.

Have Mob Boss be able to-
*Multiply into actual fighting targets.
*Multiply into Mirror Images
*Be able to copy skins as death mentioned to me earlier today. (His Idea)
*Be able to summon different for help. (maybe as like last stand)
*Be able to deflect attacks.
*Be able to freeze players (maybe making them invulnerable to attack while frozen)
*Be able to counter attacks.
*Be able to surprise attack.
*Be able to maybe summon gravel or sand on top of players so it falls on them.
*Be able to open holes underneath player like txt or creepers do without causing damage.
*Be able to spit potions.
*Be able to summon fireballs toward ground like rain.

Have environment be able to-
*Shift up and down
*Open Lava pits at random locations
*Freeze and thaw over water periodically.
*Trap people in glass boxes. (so they can watch their teammates suffer >:D lol)
*Minecart chase boss when hurt.

Thats about all I have right now but will let you know if I have some more Ideas haha.


Re: Dungeon Mob Suggestions - Post Here!
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2017, 04:54:12 PM »
The boss could
-Call down an alien beam to take you up into the sky (Guardian beam with levitation)
-Put you in a puzzle room at certain increments of health
-Summon fake mobs that don't do anything but get in your way and then disappear
-Play the ghast sound to annoy you
-Detect for at least 3 people fighting and make one of the players choose one to kill (This is just cruel)
-You could make all the fighters fight each other
-Make it rain falling anvils
-Scramble your inventory (Including armor)
-Empty your inventory into a chest or onto the ground (Including armor)
-Make you do parkour (I don't know why I suggested this)
-Send out projectiles that half your health (Ignore armor)

I also have boss minion type ideas
-Elemental creepers (Set you on fire, trap you in a rock, shock you with lightning, etc)
-A tower of baby zombies where you can only damage the bottom one and the higher up you get the more powerful they are
-Bats that explode into potions
-Mobs disguised as other mobs

I wish I could help script but sorry :-\
« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 04:59:18 PM by darkphoenix770 »


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