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Messages - FaliniFyreheart

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Important Server Information / DoD Edge Network Rules
« on: December 04, 2019, 01:23:20 PM »
DOD Edge Network Rules

These rules apply to anything DOD related! This includes the Minecraft global server network, the website, and the Discord server.
Specific rules about certain areas of the network are listed by themselves below this main post.
If you are unsure about anything, ask!

Rules are subject to common sense. These rules are not comprehensive and use of loopholes to violate the spirit of these rules is subject to enforcement.
Every player is responsible for knowing and following the rules. Ignorance of a rule is not an excuse.

If a staff member comments about your behavior or asks you to stop or change something, you are expected to listen.
If you disagree with the staff member, you may appeal through the website by posting on the forums or directly messaging an Admin or Mod.
Please be sure to include all the information, the time (and time zone) and day of occurrence, and the staff member who was handling the matter.

Obviously breaking a rule is going to warrant consequences, please be aware that you will get those consequences.

Be Respectful
Be respectful to other players and staff. Treat others how you want to be treated! Do not be racist, sexist, homophobic, or rude. Do not intentionally provoke a negative response from someone. Trolling is also asked to be avoided. Don't post or link to anything pornographic, disgusting, gory, or illegal.

Be Ethical
Do not do anything that would give yourself an unfair advantage over any other player. No cheating or exploiting! This is defined as taking any action that is obviously not the way things are intended to function by minecraft or the supporting server plugins.  This includes using any form of Block Glitching as well as block or item duplication.  If you are caught doing any form of cheating, expect to be banned.  Play responsibly. If you find an exploit, inform staff about it! If you are unsure if something is intended behavior, ask an Admin.  Asking an admin about a behavior is not going to get you banned (this does not mean action may not be taken to correct things).  Not asking so you can be sure and doing something unethical will get you banned.  Help us make the server better. You should know what is right, and what is wrong, use your best judgment.

No Hacking or Unapproved Mods
Mods that give you an unfair advantage will not be tolerated! This includes: Flyhack, Everbright (not needing torches), Godmode, Nodus, ET CETERA. If you are not sure if a mod is permitted, just ask a staff member, we will be happy to answer your question or confer with other staff about it! Start by checking HERE to see what we allow and what we don't allow.

Chat Rules
Caps are allowed as long as it is not being excessive. You may use caps for emphasis for a word or two in a sentence. Full sentences of caps is definitely excessive, as is constant short sentences of caps.
Swearing IS ALLOWED as long as it is not being either disrespectful, spammy or excessive.
Explicit sexual references, politics, and religion should not be used in global/general chat.
Please use some common sense about what topics are appropriate in global chat.
Please only use English in Global Chat. This is an English speaking server. You are welcome to speak another language in private messages. (/msg, /w, /tell) This is not to inconvenience our international players, but to ensure that the server remains safe and appropriate at all times.

No Spamming
Spamming can interfere with other players gameplay, and with staff helping players who have server related issues. Do not post gibberish or senseless text, or purposely say the same thing over and over. If you make a mistake in your previous sentence, correct the one word, not the entire sentence again, so it doesn't appear as if you are spamming.
Complaining about everything all the time could be considered spam. (It's okay to complain about one or two things on occasion when you're frustrated)
Posting multiple lines of song lyrics into chat is considered spamming. Instead, maybe link to that song on Youtube for everyone to enjoy (If it is appropriate!)

Do not ask to be made staff, admin, op, etc
We will not give this to you. You will not be granted staff just because you asked for it. If you are truly interested in becoming a dedicated member of our server's team, check out the Staff Applications section of our forum. However, we don't care if you claim to be from PMC, Hollywood, Mojang, or the government, You will NOT be granted any special staff ranks or powers.

No Advertising
Don't advertise on our server, don't advertise on OTHER servers. The best way you can show your support is by voting! If you are found spamming on another server with our IP then you will face consequences. This goes along with the first rule: be respectful. Nobody likes advertising, we don't do it to other people because we don't want them to do it to us.
We have a zero tolerance policy about advertising other servers. This includes their numerical IP, custom server IP, server name, website, and server logos. If you ignore this rule and post other server information, you will be punished.
Commercial advertising is also not advised. The only exception to this rule is advertising something you’re selling in your in-game shop (Just don’t spam about it!)

No Begging
Do not beg for anything from staff or other players. Constant repeated begging in general, whether for free items or any other reason will be considered spam.

Alternate Accounts
Having an alternate account is allowed. Make sure you Register your alt account with us so we know who you are! Look on the top bar on the website! Any alt accounts in use that are not registered will be punished. No more than 2 accounts per individual: 1 Main and 1 Alt.
You may Vote on both accounts. To see other specific rules based on which server of the Network you are on, see the appropriate section.

First and foremost, it should follow all the rules.
Have the name make sense, No random collection of letters and/or numbers,symbols, etc. for example, do NOT name your name something like: asojgwpeslj. This also includes the over-use of the format command &k. That would be considered spam.
No potentially offensive or vulgar names. This includes things concerning politics and religion. You will NOT be allowed to try to impersonate another player, especially that of a staff member.
If a staff member asks you to change your name, please listen to them. If you disagree with their decision, please appeal on the forums and include the name of the staff member who asked you to change it. In the case that we agree that it was okay, we would like to be able to pass the word along to the staff member so that more problems won't arise in the future.
Try not to constantly change your nickname, this can be confusing and annoying. Try to settle on a nickname!
Repeatedly abusing this perk and violating the rules concerning nicknames can result in a Tempban and loss of the perk.

AFK/Auto Fish Farms
These machines are not allowed on any server.

Area-specific rules are in the next post:

General Discussion / Re: AFK Push Party!
« on: November 13, 2019, 03:25:53 PM »
The AFK Adventures of Firey!
He visited a few of the NPCs of Spawn today: The Alchemist, Tinkerer, and Enchanter.

Forum Games / Re: Band Name Game
« on: October 17, 2019, 07:59:34 AM »

Forum Games / Re: Chain Reaction
« on: October 09, 2019, 08:36:01 PM »
Moon Rock

Forum Games / Re: Count to 1337!
« on: October 09, 2019, 08:35:26 PM »

General Discussion / Epic Skyblock Showoff!
« on: October 07, 2019, 03:21:57 PM »
Built something really cool? Accomplished something you've been trying for? Want to show off your skyblock warp or island? Post pics here :D

General Discussion / DoD Fan Art
« on: October 07, 2019, 03:20:48 PM »
I think it would be neat if any artsy people out there did some fan art related to DoD!
Ideas: One of the spawns, dungeons, Death, staff, sky islands, your MC character, builds you've done, whatever!

Server Suggestions / Re: Season 3 Skyblock Suggestions
« on: October 07, 2019, 03:18:49 PM »
Yea :D Would love a casino. Had that in my first post already. :) So many ideas!

Server Suggestions / Re: Creative Server Suggestions / To-Do
« on: October 05, 2019, 03:14:15 AM »
Did you know you can currently claim 2 plots and merge them together?
I believe donor ranks will get more claims.

General Discussion / Re: AFK Push Party!
« on: October 03, 2019, 06:15:06 AM »
Pushed him into Creative server, went to him, and built that around him. Mwahaha, you can never escape the rainbow cake party.

Server Suggestions / Creative Server Suggestions / To-Do
« on: September 12, 2019, 09:32:40 AM »
Creative Donor Rank / Token Shop Perk Ideas:
Heads Database access
/plot commands pack - plot music, biome, greeting/farewell, alias
in-chat tags - Builder, Designer, Craftsman, Architect, Engineer

Server Suggestions / Re: Season 3 Skyblock Suggestions
« on: September 12, 2019, 05:18:18 AM »
After Deadly Jumps is tweaked for anti-exploiting/cheating, the rewards may be boosted.

Server Suggestions / Epic Skyblock Suggestions
« on: August 27, 2019, 02:55:45 PM »
Please post suggestions for either the current season of Skyblock, or for next season here so we can go over it and plan before Season 3 starts!

My suggestions so far:

Custom Achievements (Then will probably increase the required Achievements for Rankups since there will be more to choose from to aim for)
Skyblock Quests instead of challenges. Include animal spawn eggs like USB. Make them actually worth repeating.

Don't reset any rank requirements (Quests, Kills). Edit requirements to scale with the rank for each tier instead of resetting. Less confusion.

Add Phantom Membranes to the Items /shop
Instead of having Unarmed disabled completely, set the max level to 5 or 10 or something low.
Perhaps level 750 MCMMO Level for Rank 6 instead of 1000. A later rank can require 1k. Rank 10 maybe.
1 block center island, or 2x2 center island? Odd numbers or even numbers. (USB was 1 block, ESB is 2x2)

Do we still want to remove Auction House? Perhaps add PlayerShops.

Edit Ancient and Legendary crate loots at spawn. Make it feel more special instead of for example a $100k or 600 Energy "booby prize" ... That is, of course, unless the new economy is a lot lower than the current Season 2 one ..

Gambling! Maybe buy a crate key with money to use at a gambling crate. And/or a Sky Casino added to spawn.
Something similar to what we had on USB, /dice <playername> <bet amount> - Bet and roll against another player for Skybucks!

/jobs daily quests maybe..
More /jobs slots earned via donor rank and skyblock /ranks
More tags/titles. Add in the various shops. Energy, Quest Points, Exp/Enchanter, Job Points. I may also add some to /challenges

Skyblock /ranks, include percentage increases in money gained for challenges.
Ability to visit the 2 old Ultimate Skyblock spawns. Maybe add a sign in each that grants a special title or item in each one. Or turn it into a dungeon!

I'm sure players will want some sort of PVP Arena. Bring your own stuff, or something like Battle Night?

Return of /donorisland? special trades and a daily loot chest and +1 token sign? Could also have a public farm for crops like Survival that regenerate.

Addition of vanilla mob heads to the /shop .. whichever category.
Also be able to sell player heads (from headless enchant)

Be able to buy more than 1 magic dust at a time.

Add an Enchanted Book shop gui. Buy specific Enchants. Vanilla or Custom or both. Perhaps unlockable from certain /rank

Make crate keys not tradeable?

No Lightning related custom enchants. ie Thundering Blow

Make Enderman Reaper Quest require 150 or 200 kills instead of 250.

Server Suggestions / Re: Economy Survival Suggestions - Post Here!
« on: August 02, 2019, 02:29:41 PM »
Spawner types granted with certain economy ranks (and/or donor ranks)
Silk touch spawners. Token shop perk + donor rank + maybe higher economy rank
5min fly time per vote crate
Casino (diff 'slots' for diff currencies? money, tokens, diamonds)
/bottle and /shop migrated from ESB to SV

Server Suggestions / Donor Rank / Perk Suggestions
« on: July 19, 2019, 06:57:49 AM »
Some ideas for the network ranks.

Add /fly time to Survival crates. 5 minutes per crate?

Network Rank Perks - To be split up as you see fit per tier

Money, Energy, Crate Keys upon purchase, one-time.

Donor tags
/nick (Note, Survival has Colored Names in the Token Store)
Colored chat access
Colored + Formatted Signs
Cosmetics particles, pets, arrow trails, etc.
/ptime (Creative already has for free)
/pweather (Creative already has for free)
/medic (full heal, cooldown, 1 hour?)
/feed (full food, cooldown. 1 hour?)
/anvil (fully repair item in hand, cooldown. 20 hours?)
/rename (Ability to rename the item in your hand + colors)
/fly (Survival + Skyblock)
/craft /workbench
Backpacks /bp .. more slots available per tier (Also add /bp to a Skyblock earnable /rank)
Special Enderchest for more space, and command /ender /echest. More slots per tier.
/warp command to the nether (Surv, Sky) something like /netherwarp to have specific permission
/warp command to the end (Surv, Sky) something like /endwarp to have specific permission
Weekly and/or Daily /kits
McMMO Exp Boost (Surv, Sky) could split per tier? 5%, 10%, 20%, 25% (Also add small bonuses to the earnable Skyblock /ranks! Maybe highest 15% at Rank 10)
Maybe /fireball and /kittycannon for fun, non-griefing/damaging ..
/sethomes (keep in mind the sethomes earnable on Survival and Skyblock)
More /jobs slots (Also could make them earnable via /ranks on Skyblock and eco rankups on Survival)

Skyblock Only:
Increased item limit placements on Islands. + mobs like Endermen that are limited?
/j (Not useable in Dungeon world)

Creative Only:
More plots, /nightvision, /firework, /speed (1-3), Allowed to place water/lava

Survival Only:
More land claims?

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