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Player Reports / How to Search Client Log for Evidence
« on: January 06, 2017, 04:58:49 AM »
Hey all,

If you can't take a screenshot for whatever reason (i.e. can't scroll back enough), your Minecraft client keeps a log of everything you see in chat in the .minecraft folder. The name of the file is called latest.log.

Use the following instructions for the fastest way to get to it on Windows 7 and Windows 8:
Go to start or open the Charms tab by pressing and holding the key then press S.
Type %APPDATA% and press Enter.
Open the .minecraft folder at the top.
Open the logs folder.
Open the logs individually, latest.log will always have the latest information. At this point i usually sort by Date modified. :P

You will also most likely see a list of files that end with the extension log.gz. These are text files that have been compressed automatically to reduce the amount of space they take on your computer. You can simply use the file compression tool that Minecraft used to compress it which is called gzip, or you can use an alternative one called 7-Zip, both are Free.

Each chat line has a time stamp in the form hh:mm:ss, making it easy to scroll to the exact moment you need. If you were playing for a long time before the incident occurred, Be patient, since a large client log can take a minute or two to load into your text editor. Here's a sample of me joining the server and sending a /msg to myself for the sake of this guide.

Example Log:
[spoiler][22:34:21] [client thread/info]: Connecting to, 25565
[22:34:23] [client thread/info]: [chat] [hub] You have been teleported to spawn!
[22:34:23] [client thread/info]: [chat] ---------------------------------------
[22:34:23] [client thread/info]: [chat]
[22:34:23] [client thread/info]: [chat] Choose a server Portal
[22:34:23] [client thread/info]: [chat]
[22:34:23] [client thread/info]: [chat] ---------------------------------------
[22:34:27] [client thread/info]: [chat] Welcome, Death!
[22:34:27] [client thread/info]: [chat]
[22:34:27] [client thread/info]: [chat] Make sure you read the /rules!
[22:34:27] [client thread/info]: [chat]
[22:34:27] [client thread/info]: [chat] You have no new mail.
[22:34:43] [client thread/info]: [chat] [me -> death] Welcome to DoD Edge Network! :)[/spoiler]

If you know what your looking for, you can use Ctrl+F to bring up the search prompt, or bring it up in the Edit menu, or 'Search' then 'Find...' if you use Notepad++.

Quote from: Notepad++
Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License.

If you're posting a large piece, you should use the button. It is right in the middle in the top row of buttons between the paperclip and the @ sign (attachment and email).

Finally, you'll want to edit out the irrelevant stuff.

I hope this guide helps someone, have a great day!  :thumb:

Important Server Information / Minecraft Mods
« on: January 06, 2017, 04:13:20 AM »
First, I will cover what isn't allowed.  Any mod that is going to allow you to have an advantage over another player.  This includes, but is not limited to, Nuker, Fly, Spider Climb, X-Ray, Fullbright/GammaBright, etc.  These can sometimes be found as individual mods and are also usually included in hacked clients such as Nodus.  This also includes external things like bots and other forms of scripting/automation.

ALL mods MUST be approved before use.
Please note that using any Mod that is not approved (even if it doesn't provide any type of advantage) is against the rules and is a ban-able offense. 
Please note that this list is for the SERVER, not per World.

Make sure that when you are downloading mods to use, that you download the version that corresponds correctly to the version of Minecraft client you are running.  Using an incorrect version can cause you to crash or have other problems.

*****   UPDATE:  Effective Date:  June 2022   *****   
Due to the age of this list, we are resetting it.  A short list will be started here but any additional ones you would like to have added need to be requested below in the forums.  The format for request will be listed at the end of this post.
MultiMC is allowed and even recommended if you have multiple servers and different clients.  It can handle switching between accounts, installs multiple instances so you can keep your mods separated out based on servers

Approved Mod Loaders
Fabric + Fabric API mod

Shaders are allowed
Optifine and Iris (for Fabric) for Shader support

Performance improving mods
Iris Shaders(Fabric)
Sodium (Fabric)
Reese's Sodium Options (Fabric)
Sodium Extra (Fabric)
Phosphor (Fabric)
Magnesium (Port of Sodium to Forge)
Phosphor (Forge)
Bedrodium (Fabric)
CIT Resewn (Fabric)
Lithium (Fabric)

Other Mods

MiniHUD Mod (Fabric)
MaLiLib (Fabric)
Inventory HUD + (Fabric or Forge)
Mouse Tweaks (Fabric or Forge)
AppleSkin (Fabric or Forge)
Horse Stats Vanilla (Fabric)
Horse Stats Mod (Forge)
AntiGhost (Fabric)
Architectury API (Fabric or Forge)
Armor Points ++ (Fabric or Forge)
AtrributeFix (Fabric or Forge) - Allowed just so folks don't need to worry about removing it when playing on the server.  This mod should have no impact while playing DoD Network
ClickThrough (Fabric)
Cloth Config API
Cull Leaves (Fabric)
Durability101 (Fabric or Forge)
kennytvs-epic-force-close-loading-screen-mod (Fabric)
I know what I'm doing Mod (Fabric)
Krypton (Fabric)
LazyDFU (Fabric)
ModMenu (Fabric)
Mod Settings (Fabric)
MoreCulling (Fabric)
MouserateFramerate (Fabric)
Pet Owner (Fabric)
Practical Barrels (Fabric)
Scrollable Tooltips (Fabric)
Skin Swapper (Fabric) -  Allowed for purposes of switching skins only.
Skip Transitions (Fabric)
Stack Refill (Fabric)
Collective (Fabric)

Mods that won't be allowed:

Any TYPE of mini-map
Damage Indicator Mods
Fly Hacks
Auto Fishing Mods

If you have any other Mods that you would like to have considered for approval, please see below how to post a mod review request and we will review them as we can.  Please check this original post as I will update it with any new mods that we allow for players.  Also check the posts of other players to see if they have already requested the mod you are wanting to know about.  If it has already been listed, please do not list it again. 
To request a mod review, please supply the following information for each Mod.  You can submit multiple mods in a request post.

  • Name of Mod
  • Mod Loader it is available for/that you are requesting
  • A Link to the mod page
  • Short description of the mod
Any mod requests that do not follow this format will not be evaluated or approved.

Important Server Information / Re: Veteran Donor Rank Guide
« on: January 06, 2017, 04:10:53 AM »
Custom Titles

Custom prefix titles were available for $25+ donors.

Donating $25 (Emerald Rank) will allow you to pick 1 custom title, $50 (Diamond Rank) will allow you to pick 2 custom titles, and $75 (Obsidian Rank) will allow you to pick 3 custom titles (every $25 after that will add 1 custom title to your list).

When choosing your custom title, it must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • They can be any color. They can also be bold, italic, strike-through, or underlined.
  • They can be up to 15 characters long (not counting the [ ])
  • They can be about most topics, even if it doesn't have to do with Minecraft (except for the stuff listed below).
  • They can't be offensive. No racism, sexism, or negative stuff about a player will be accepted in a title.
  • They can't contain curse words.
  • They can't contain any words that suggest you are part of the server staff, i.e. owner, mod, admin, etc., and they also cannot contain the word "guest".
  • They can't contain the "magic" formatting code (the one that makes text random gibberish).
Once you decide what you want your title(s) to be, an admin or mod will need to create it for you. There are several ways to go about this:

  • (Best Method) If a mod or admin is online, send them a message telling them what you want for your title.
  • Send a /mail in game to a member of the server staff with the title that you want (be sure to include color codes like &a, &d, etc)
  • Send a private message to a member of the server staff on the forums (red and green names).

Be sure to take your time and choose a title that you like and will be happy with.
* We allow 1 free "do-over" per title if you decide you do not like it, but after that we will not change the title again.

Let me just say, that I respect all players, until I catch them cheating, especially at the minigames that are designed to reward players for having dedication.
I like to play the game, I don't like to be mean, but I will do what I must do in order to ensure that everybody has a fair chance.  I do this because I care about the server, and I will punish anybody that attempts to cheat, I don't care how much I like them.  I apologize if the players that I have banned feel upset about it, but think about it like this, there are many things that I won't do on this server, that are allowed (at the moment) because they feel like cheating to me.  Therefore, when I find someone cheating in a grandiose violation of the rules, I will tempban them in an instant and pass the news onto admins for them to decide what punishment is appropriate.

But what exactly is considered cheating?

First of all, if it breaks the rules, ANY of them (not ALL).  Lately there has been a surge of people using flyhack.  This is not acceptable!  However, lets go over the full list:
  • Hacking (such as flyhack)
  • Exploiting (such as using bugs/glitches to duplicate emeralds or hiding away +HP armor to have 10,000 HP with the glitch)
  • Block-Jumping (using a block to jump along a wall or anywhere that you can't normally reach)
  • Island Farming (creating an island, farming all the dirt/iron/sand off it, putting in an enderchest, and then restarting again)
  • Unethical Parties (inviting people to your party, using them, and then kicking them to the curb)
  • Griefing (we advertise to be cautious about who joins your party, but staff do watch out for these jerks)
  • ETC (you should be getting the idea)

But the parkour maps are extremely hard and it isn't fair!

Life isn't fair, but that isn't what you want to hear is it?  Think about it this way, there are some people that spend HOURS doing parkour, losing patience, and leaving the computer for a bit before coming back to finish the map.  Yes, the rewards are nice, but they are meant to be REWARDS and not FREEBIES.  If we wanted to give such elaborate things to players as freebies, they would be vote rewards, and indeed we do give out good gifts to those who vote.  However, the goal of the system is to have a sense of balance to where it isn't super easy to be #1 because everyone wants to be #1 at something.  We have multiple ways to be #1.  However, getting to be #1 as far as server money goes, takes a lot of time, effort, and patience (or, for now, enough real money to pay the server's bills for a few months).  If you want to get ahead the current legal way, help support the server!  You can get to #1 in just about anything by supporting us with donations (for now, until the new EULA takes effect).  However, it is not acceptable to cheat to get what you want.

Let me put it this way:  I personally, hate the parkour maps SO MUCH that I rarely ever do them.  How do I get money and have an awesome island? I work for it, hard.  I sell iron for cheap just to buy my /perks.  I don't have the patience for parkour and I know it, I do archer dungeon every day and occasionally do diamond parkour, because it is the only one that doesn't make me want to murder Bingo with a rusted sewing needle. (Love you Bingo :D)

I won't get caught!

You will get caught, you will be punished, and your ill-gotten gains will be erased!  We utilize a massive array of methods to detect cheating.  Here are a couple examples:
  • Alert staff (keeping an eye on parkour more than the NSA is reading the X's and O's on your text messages)
  • Logging (the plugin logs the amount of time it takes to complete a parkour, not just the whole map, but EVERY SINGLE JUMP, if you go from block A to reward chest without hitting the checkpoints, it will be in the log)

Now obviously, we aren't going to alert you to our full bag of tricks to catching players, but we have many more, the server logs more than just parkour maps.  So many logs, and we do NOT want to go through them, but if we need evidence to prove a cheater guilty, we will.  Our primary source of evidence are screenshots, and they are logged in a special section of the forums for staff only.

Am I being watched all the time?

Most likely not.  Staff may occasionally check in on players, if everything seems normal, we usually go back to doing our own thing (like fighting over who has the biggest/prettiest/greatest island or whose shop has the cheapest prices).  However, if we decide to divide our attention (watch TV, eat, or something else) we may afk in a parkour map.  However, if there is any reason to suspect a player of cheating, we will alert other staff, and somebody will watch your every move until we are sure that you are not.  It can sometimes take a while to provide clear and definite proof that a player is cheating before action is taken, but if that proof is obtained, justice will be dished out faster than <insert inappropriate joke about speed here>.


Now, before I give you the wrong impression, we are not heartless.  We do not want to find cheaters, we hope that people will love the server so much that they don't want to cheat.  However, this isn't always the case.  If a player claims someone is cheating, or if staff witness it, we are forced to act, to preserve the order that enables us to all have a fair chance.  We do have a heart though, and that is why perma bans are RARE.  The most common punishment is a temporary ban, to give the player time to reflect on what they have done.  If the player can come back, and play like normal, they may gradually earn our respect back.

If you discover an exploit, cheat, or anything that gives someone an unfair advantage, and you let staff know, we will thank you for it (and maybe you'll even get a little reward for your trouble).  There are even some things that may be considered exploits, that we allow, just ask a staff member if something is allowed and we will do our best to let you know!  (A good example of this is afk farming items/skills like with a mob farm).  We aren't perfect law-keepers, we want to play too :(.  We serve as staff because we love the server, and want to keep it nice for other players that may come along.  Please understand that we like to play the game too, and when we have to follow around someone to collect evidence of cheating, we may get a little grumpy, because we'd rather be playing ourselves (instead of finishing my chicken coop, I'm on here writing a thread about cheating because there have been quite a few violations recently).

If you are banned, you are always welcome to file an appeal, and it may be approved, but this is on a case-by-case basis.  Usually if a person is honest, nice, and can show some level of empathy, we may lighten up the punishment.   We are players too, and getting upset at us because we had to stop having fun and deal with you doesn't make us any happier :(.

Final Note:

Please play fair!  Players that respect the rules, and play the game as it was meant to be enjoyed, will always be welcome and respected.  Cheating isn't worth losing our respect and possibly getting hard earned stats/money/items erased.  We all know that you want to prove how awesome you are, and the best way you can do this, is to play by the rules, because nobody is more awesome, than those that appreciate the services we provide and the effort the staff put into making this an enjoyable experience for you..... except for Bingo, I think he likes to see people suffer with those parkour maps :P (just kidding.... or am I?).

Important Server Information / How to Reduce Minecraft Lag
« on: January 06, 2017, 04:05:56 AM »

This guide is meant as a source of information for those who frequently experience lag in the game of Minecraft. There are plenty of guides out there already that explain multiple ways reducing lag, I will simply be listing links to other posts that have been made that i feel have very helpful information to reducing lag in Minecraft. I will be updating this post periodically to provide more detail and links to helpful information as i find it, so check back often! Also, before i go ahead and start listing links, i would like to go over some questions that are frequently asked:

I lag on one server, but i don't lag on any others..Why is that?
Sometimes this can be deceiving and appear that you only lag on one server but not any others especially when your experiencing network lag. When you start to lag, the first thing you should do is pop open the F3 menu and look at your FPS. If your FPS is at 10-15, and your struggling to move your camera around, you are experiencing video lag. If you have solid 60+ FPS and your lagging, then your probably experiencing network lag.

What is network lag and video lag? How can i tell the difference?
Network lag is sometimes hard to determine, but it is the most common type of lag that players experience. The best way to tell if the lag you are experiencing is network lag is by paying attention to whats going on around you. Are other players or entities stopping for a half second then moving? Are you stopping for a bit then moving rapidly? Does the chat take an extended amount of time to send messages? Do you see a rapid succession of chat messages all at once? These are all common symptoms of Network Lag.

Video lag is a reduction in FPS (Frames Per Second). Every 3D game has FPS, the general rule of thumb is the more frames you have, the better. The lower frames you have, the more lag you will start to experience. You can always see how many FPS you have at any given time by pressing F3 while your in a world within Minecraft.

Video lag is usually caused by a very large amount of blocks in a small area with many areas of various light levels. Video lag can also be caused by a very large amount of entities in a small location or when there are many redstone circuits doing many things at once ie: activating 100+ pistons at once. These cause a large amount of stress on the game engine thus resulting in video lag.

Almost everytime i mention lag in minecraft, someone asks me if i have Optifine. What is Optifine and how do i get it?
OptiFine is a Minecraft optimization mod.

Optifine allows Minecraft to run faster and look better with full support for HD textures and many configuration options. You can download Optifine here.

How can i monitor my connection to the internet so i can tell if i am experiencing network lag?
You can get a little piece of software called a line connection monitor which will give you a live feed of the status of your connection.

One lightweight application that i can suggest is one called HLSW.

What is HLSW?
HLSW is a game server administration and server browsing tool that allows gamers to not only search for game servers and connect to them easily, but also allows administrators the ability to remotely monitor their server.

HLSW's list of supported games is constantly expanding, with more and more games having full RCON support allowing for administrator to not only remotely monitor their servers, but also to administrate them without ever having to join the game server.

In addition to being a powerful server browse and administration tool, HLSW also contains an integrated messenger facility allowing users to create a friends list and chat through the tool, or simply see where their friends are playing and join them.

In addition to this, HLSW provides status indicator's allowing users to advertise their profile where ever they wish. The banner's are configurable in different sizes and skins, and can be easily embedded into forums and web pages. The graphic shows the user's favourite games and the game server he's currently playing on. By a simple click onto the banner other users can join or add you to their buddy list.

HLSW is currently available for Windows, and is available in the following languages: German, English, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish.

In addition HLSW Mobile, an Android variant of the software, is available for Android devices in both English and German.

How does HLSW work?

HLSW is one of the only tools to establish its own master server, meaning that HLSW is fully responsible for querying all of its supported games for a list of game servers and also for maintaining a list of active game servers.

The result of this is HLSW is incredibly quick to get started with as you query our servers, rather than having to refresh/filter servers yourself. In addition to this, HLSW provides the ability for administrators to register themselves with HLSW so that you can easily find who is responsible for any registered server. [/spoiler]

I have personally used this piece of software since 1999 to not only administrate other game servers that i have hosted throughout the years, but to also monitor the status of my connection to the internet when i start to have lag/disconnects. The way it works is, once you have it installed you should then locate a game server via any server tracking site or Steam that is geographically closest to you so you have low ping time results. Once you start tracking a server, it will give you a nifty little ping graph that looks like this:

Ping Graph

As you can see, i am personally tracking a random Counter-Strike: Global Offensive server just to keep the ping tracking low. Now when i start to have internet issues, you will notice that graph starts to spike just like in the right end of that picture. Or, if you are experiencing disconnects (ie: Time Out), it will look something like this:

Time out example

With this tool, you can also easily track when certain things are happening on your network such as someone streaming YouTube, Netflix, Pandora, etc. When someone is streaming, you probably wont see any red in the graph(Unless someone is uploading a video), but you will notice the ping/latency goes up, and it will look something like this:

High latency example

All these types of situations will greatly impact your experience while connected to ANY game server, it is your responsibility to be fully aware of what is happening on your network so that you can have a better perception of where to point the finger when you start to experience connection issues. Also keep in mind that your geographic location plays a big part in connection latency, for example if you lived in California and your connecting to a server that is in the UK, you are almost guaranteed to have latency/connection issues.

Where are the helpful links you spoke of?

Here they are:

Lag types and how to fix them - Link
How To Reduce Minecraft Lag ! - Link
How to Reduce Lag and Speed Up Your Minecraft! - Link
Improving Minecraft Performance on Old and New Computers - Link
How To Improve FPS In Minecraft 1.8.8 - YouTube - Link

Important Server Information / DoD Member+
« on: January 06, 2017, 04:02:03 AM »
The DoD Member+ group has access to:

- A unique DoD Member+ title.
- More money from completing challenges.
- Daily extra vote token.
- A special Member+ area.
- Access to "/is trust"

- A unique DoD Member+ title.

You are also seen as a committed member of the community and will be trusted more by other members on the server.

It's easy to join the DoD Member+ group!

Apply Here: DoD Member+

Important Server Information / Old Challenges Guide - Locked
« on: January 06, 2017, 04:01:09 AM »
Edit, 6/28/17 - These are no longer in-game. Keeping for records and nostalgia.

I have put together a guide for Challenges! I think it's pretty straightforward on how to read it. :)

Keep in mind you can click on the challenge on /c and it will tell you in chat what you need and what you're missing!
In order to see page two, click on the Diamond, Redstone, or Quartz block on the /challenges page one!


Challenge Name      First Time Requirements                      First Time Rewards                  Repeatable Rewards

Cobblestone Generator64 Cobblestone3 Leather, $10, 30 exp1 Leather, $2, 5 exp
Apple Collector2 Apples2 of each Sapling: Oak, Birch, Jungle, Spruce; $10, 30 exp1 of ALL Saplings, $2, 5 exp
Wheat Farmer64 Wheat5 Dirt, $10, 30 exp1 Dirt, $2, 5 exp
Cactus Farmer64 Cactus10 Sand, $15, 30 exp1 Sand, $2, 5 exp
Sugar Farmer64 Sugarcane5 Dirt, 15 Clay Blocks, $15, 30 exp1 Clay Block, $2, 3 exp
Melon Farmer128 Melon Slices5 Dirt, $15, 30 exp1 Dirt, $2, 3 exp
Pumpkin Farmer64 Pumpkins5 Dirt, $15, 30 exp1 Dirt, $2, 10 exp
Novice BuilderIsland Level 201 Iron Pickaxe, 5 Dirt, $50, 50 expNot Repeatable
Shroom Picker64 Red Mushrooms, 64 Brown Mushrooms1 Mycelium, $15, 30 exp1 Mycelium, 2 Podzol, 2 Lapis, $5, 10 exp
Monster Slayer64 Rotten Flesh, 32 String, 16 Gunpowder, 32 Arrows, 32 Bones, 5 Spider Eyes16 Redstone, 1 Flint, 5 Iron Ore, $75, 75 exp2 Redstone, 1 Flint, 1 Iron Ore, $10, 15 exp
Expert Farmer64 Melon Slices, 64 Sugar, 64 Wheat, 64 Potato, 64 Carrot, 64 Pumpkin, 64 Cactus16 Redstone, 1 Cocoa, 1 Cow Spawn Egg, 1 Pig Spawn Egg, 1 Chicken Spawn Egg, $75, 75 exp1 Cocoa, 5 Clay Blocks, 1 Cow Spawn Egg, 1 Pig Spawn Egg, 1 Chicken Spawn Egg, $30, 25 exp
Fisherman5 Raw Fish, 5 Raw Salmon, 3 Pufferfish, 1 Clownfish16 Redstone, 5 Ink Sac, 5 Iron Ore, $75, 75 exp2 Redstone, 2 Ink Sac, $10, 15 exp
Lumberjack16 Oak Logs, 16 Birch Logs, 16 Spruce Logs, 16 Jungle Logs, 16 Acacia Logs, 16 Dark Oak Logs16 Redstone, 5 Iron Ore, 1 Wolf Spawn Egg, $75, 75 exp2 Redstone, 1 Iron Ore, $20, 15 exp
Cookie Lover1 Milk Bucket, 128 Cookies16 Redstone, 5 Iron Ore, 1 Bucket, $75, 75 exp2 Redstone, 1 Bucket, $5, 15 exp
Adept BuilderIsland Level 10012 Obsidian, $75, 75 expNot Repeatable
Home OwnerThese blocks built in same area: 1 Bed, 1 Workbench, 1 Glass, 1 Door, 1 Furnace, 1 Bookshelf, 1 Torch1 Jukebox, 1 Wait Music Disc, 10 Lapis Lazuli Blocks, $100, 100 expNot Repeatable
Nether PortalHave a Nether Portal built on your island1 Diamond Sword, $100, 100 expNot Repeatable
Pearl Collector10 Ender Pearls5 Gold Ingots, 1 Blaze Rod, $50, 100 exp1 Gold Ingot, 1 Blaze Rod, $25, 15 exp
Sugar Rush128 Sugar, 4 Cakes, 32 Pumpkin Pies3 Splash Potions of Swiftness II, Sweet title, $50, 10 exp1 Splash Potion of Swiftness II, $5, 2 exp
Slime Farmer64 Slime Balls5 Gold Ingots, 5 Emeralds, $50, 100 exp2 Redstone, 1 Emerald, $5, 5 exp
Baker5 Cakes, 5 Pumpkin Pies, 128 Cookies5 Gold Ingots, 1 Diamond, $50, 100 exp2 Iron Ore, 1 Gold Ingot, $30, 15 exp
Seafood16 Raw Fish, 16 Cooked Fish, 8 Raw Salmon, 8 Cooked Salmon, 4 Pufferfish, 2 Clownfish32 Prismarine Shards, 10 Prismarine Crystals, $50, 10 exp4 Prismarine Shards, 1 Prismarine Crystal, $5, 2 exp
Explorer64 Netherrack, 16 Soul Sand, 1 Ghast Tear, 1 Compass, 1 Clock, 1 Map32 Powered Rails, 256 Rails, 1 Diamond, 1 Ocelot Spawn Egg, $100, 100 exp64 Rails, 1 Iron Ore, 5 Emeralds, 1 Nametag, $25, 20 exp
Expert BuilderIsland Level 2501 Diamond, 32 Dirt, 32 Sand, $150, 150 expNot Repeatable
Wool Collector5 each of all the Wool Blocks2 Diamonds,1  Mellohi Music Disc, 1 Stal Music Disc, 1 Mall Music Disc, 1 Sheep Spawn Egg, 5 Emeralds, $200, 200 exp3 Emeralds, 1 Sheep Spawn Egg, $50, 20 exp
Glass Maker16 each of all the Glass Panes2 Diamonds, 1 Mellohi Music Disc, 1 Stal Music Disc, 1 Mall Music Disc, 1 Horse Spawn Egg, 5 Emeralds, $200, 200 exp5 Emeralds, 1 Horse Spawn Egg, $50, 20 exp
Master Farmer128 Melon Slices, 128 Sugar, 128 Wheat, 128 Potatoes, 128 Carrots, 128 Pumpkins, 128 Cactus, 1 Golden Carrot, 1 Golden Apple3 Diamonds, 5 Emeralds, $200, 200 exp5 Emeralds, 2 Gold Ingots, $50, 20 exp
Maestro1 Jukebox, 1 each of every music disc3 Diamonds, 10 Emeralds, $200, 200 exp2 Gold Ingots, 1 Diamond, $50, 20 exp
Emerald Collector50 Emeralds2 Diamonds, $200, 200 exp1 Diamond, $50, 20 exp
Top Chef1 Baked Potato, 1 Bread, 1 Cake, 1 Pumpkin Pie, 1 Cookie, 1 Cooked Chicken, 1 Cooked Porkchop, 1 Steak, 1 Cooked Fish, 1 Cooked Salmon, 1 Clownfish, 1 Golden Apple, 1 Golden Carrot, 1 Mushroom Soup, 1 Melon, 1 Carrot2 Diamonds, 1 Cat Music Disc, 1 Blocks Music Disc, 1 Far Music Disc, 1 Mooshroom Spawn Egg, 5 Emeralds, $200, 200 exp3 Gold Ingots, 1 Mooshroom Spawn Egg, 5 Emeralds, $50, 20 exp
NeverEnderStory64 Iron Ingots, 64 Gold Ingots, 64 Emeralds, 64 Diamonds12 End Portal Frame Blocks, 12 Eye of Ender, $200, 200 expNot Repeatable
SkylordIsland Level 10001 Diamond, Skylord Title, $250, 250 expNot Repeatable
Spooky128 Jack O Lanterns, 16 Cobwebs, 8 Dead Bush16 Obsidian, 1 Lava Bucket, 8 Soul Sand, 2 Netherwart, Spooky title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Lightweight128 Feathers4 White Wool and 8 Cooked Chicken, $100, 20 exp1 White Wool, 4 Cooked Chicken, $5, 2 exp
Goldfinger7 Gold Blocks, 65 Ingots, 99 Gold Nuggets4 Diamonds, 1 Emerald, $100, 20 exp2 Diamonds, 1 Emerald, $5, 2 exp
Charcoal256 Charcoal8 Iron Ingots, $100, 20 exp1 Iron Ingot, $5, 2 exp
Poisonous16 Poisonous Potatoes1 Splash Potion of Poison, Poisonous title, $100, 20 exp1 Spider Eye, $5, 2 exp
Nether Slayer4 Magma Cream, 8 Blaze Rods, 16 Blaze Powder, 1 Ghast Tear8 Quartz Blocks, $100, 20 exp1 Quartz Block, $5, 2 exp
End Explorer1 Enderchest, 128 Endstone, 16 Ender PearlsDiamond Sword, Explorer title, $100, 20 exp1 Emerald, $5, 2 exp
SkyMasterIsland Level 25008 Sponge, 8 Prismarine, 8 Pris Block, 8 Dark Pris, 8 Sea Lantern, SkyMaster title, $200, 25 expNot Repeatable
Gardener8 of every flower, placed2 Grass, 4 Dirt, 1 Diamond Hoe, Gardener title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
BlacksmithPlace 2 Anvils, 1 Iron Block, 1 Gold Block, 1 Lava, 1 Water2 Diamond, Blacksmith title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Darker Than Black64 Black Wool, 64 Obsidian, 64 Black Stained Clay32 Quartz Blocks, Contractor title, $100, 20 exp8 Quartz Blocks, $5, 2 exp
AlchemistBrewing Stand x5, Water Bottle x12, Netherwart x12, Ghast Tear x1, Sugar x1, Magma Cream x2, Spider Eye x2, Glistering Melon x1, Golden Carrot x2, Blaze Powder x2, Fermented Spider Eye x3, Rabbit's Foot x1, Pufferfish x11 Gold Block, 1 Redstone Block, 1 Cauldron, Chemist title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Sailor16 Boats, 4 Compass, 2 Clock, 8 Empty Map, 9 Fishing Rod, 1 Squid Spawn EggCompass named Captain Jacks Compass, Leather Hat named Captain Jacks Hat, Iron Sword named Cutlass, EnderPearl named Black Pearl, Boat named "The Black Pearl", Captain title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Rotten4 Stacks Rotten Flesh16 Steak, 8 Leather, $100, 20 exp2 Steak, 1 Leather
Author1 Written Book, 1 Book and Quill, 64 Books, 64 Feather, 64 Ink Sac2 Emeralds, Writer title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Sky EmperorIsland Level 50001 Endermite Spawn Egg, 16 Red Sandstone, 4 Red Sand, 8 Slime Blocks, SkyEmperor title, $300, 30 expNot Repeatable
Creeper4 stacks Gunpowder1 Creeper spawn egg, 4 TNT, $100, 20 exp1 fire charge, $5, 2 exp
WitchWater Bottle x24, Netherwart x7, Spider Eye x2, Gunpowder x4, Magma Cream x2, Fermented Spider Eye x3, Pufferfish x1, Glistering Melon x1, Sugar x11 Witch Spawn Egg, 1 Emerald, Witch title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
KnightIron Armor set, Sword, Horse Spawn Egg, Iron Horse ArmorIron Sword, Dia Horse Armor, Knight title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Hunter4 Bows, 64 Arrows, Leather Armor set, 64 Rotten FleshBow w/ Infinity called Robin Hood's Bow, Archer title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Carpenter1 Crafting Table, 1 Bed, 1 armor stand, 64 of each log, 64 of each plank, 8 each stair, 12 each slab, 6 ladders, 8 chests, 6 signs1 Diamond Axe, 3 Emeralds, Carpenter title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Machine Head8 Pistons, 8 Sticky Pistons, 8 Levers, 8 Redstone Dust, 4 Redstone Blocks, 4 Daylight Sensors, 4 Comparators, 4 Redstone Repeaters1 Diamond Block, 1 Emerald Ore, Cyborg title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Animal FarmerRequires entities. 16 of each passive mob. 2 of each sheep color.16 Hay Blocks, 8 Leads, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Sky LegendIsland Level 75001 Guardian Spawn Egg, 16 Polished Diorite, 16 Polished Andesite, 16 Polished Granite, SkyLegend title, $400, 40 expNot Repeatable
Iron ManIron items: Set of armor, tools, sword, door, bucket, shears, cauldron, anvil, hopper, 16 iron bars8 Iron Blocks, 1 Poppy, 1 Pumpkin, IronMan title, $100, 20 exp8 Prismarine Shards, 1 Sponge, $5, 2 exp
Solar Power32 Glowstone Blocks, 64 TorchesDaylight Sensor, Comparator, 4 Sea Lanterns, $100, 20 exp1 Sea Lanterns, $5, 2 exp
Bounty Hunter1 Skeleton Skull, 1 Wither Skull, 1 Zombie Head1 Diamond Block, BountyHunter title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
MusicianJukebox, 32 Note Blocks, Discs: Stal, Strad, Mellohi, Mall, Blocks, Ward, Far, Wait, Cat, 11, ChirpDisc 13, Musician title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Conductor64 Rails, 64 Powered Rails, 64 Activator Rails, 64 Detector Rails, 4 Minecarts, 16 Coal4 Blocks of Iron, Conductor title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Beacon Lover6 placed BeaconsDiamond Sword named Excalibur with Unbreaking 5, Sharpness 5, Jedi title, Sith title, $150, 20 expNot Repeatable
Over 9kIsland Level 90011 Diamond Block, Yellow Wool named Flying Nimbus, Blaze Rod named Power Pole with +Damage or Enchant, Green Stained Glass Pane named Scouter, Golden Apple named Senzu Bean, Saiyan title, Super Saiyan title, $900, 90 expNot Repeatable
Sky GodIsland Level 100001 of each Block of Coal, Iron, Lapis, Gold, Diamond, Redstone, Emerald, Quartz, SkyGod title, $500, 50 expNot Repeatable

Important Server Information / Skyblocks Donor Rank Guide
« on: January 06, 2017, 03:54:30 AM »
Note: To anyone that bought a rank with a title, please see the guidelines in the next post.
When you know what you would like, contact a staff member or send in a /ticket.

Higher ranks receive all bonuses of the previous ranks.
There's a commands guide in the third post.

Click here for a spreadsheet of donor perks

Grass - $6
Title: [Donor]
Title: [Grass]
$500 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
Instant promotion to the Member+ group.
Receive 3 Bonus Tokens daily using the /dailybonus command.
+15% Bonus Skybucks when completing challenges.
Access to the Donor Island, a special area on the server reserved for donors.
Access to change your name & name color.
Ability to purchase rank 4 perks from the /donor menu.
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 20, Animals: 250

Grass Commands:
/donorisland command to access a special area only available to Donors.
/nick command to change your name & name color. ~ Note: Formatting in nicknames is not part of the perk! You can request to have Italics.
/dailybonus command to claim your daily bonus.
/kit grass (every 5 days) containing:
10x Grass Block
10x Sand
64x Cobblestone
1x Iron Pickaxe

Iron - $11
Title: [Iron]
$1,200 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
+20% Bonus Skybucks when completing challenges.
Access to /back (where you died, last teleported from, etc).
Access to use a portable crafting table via /workbench command.
Disguises: Chicken, Cow, Pig, Sheep
Trails: Hearts, Angry, Magic, Fun
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 30, Animals: 300, Villagers: 12

Iron Commands:
/back command to return to your last location.
/workbench to use a portable crafting table.
/disguise to wear a disguise.
/trails Opens the GUI to select particle trails.
/kit iron (every 5 days) containing:
20x Grass Block
20x Sand
128x Cobblestone
5x Iron Ingot
1x Iron Pickaxe

Gold - $16
Title: [Gold]
$1,400 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
+30% Bonus Skybucks when completing challenges.
Disguises: Spider, Zombie, Skeleton, Creeper, Blaze, Bat, Horse, Mule.
Trails: Clouds, Witch Magic, Ender, Green
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 40, Animals: 375, Golems: 7

Gold Commands:
/kit gold (every 5 days) containing:
30x Grass Block
30x Sand
192x Cobblestone
10x Iron Ingot
1x Iron Pickaxe

Emerald - $26
Title: [Emerald]
1 Custom Prefix Title *
$1,600 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
Receive 4 Bonus Tokens daily using the /dailybonus command.
Access to different colors and font styles in chat.
10 Super Crate Keys
EnderChest size increased to 36 slots.
Access to a command to completely heal your character (usable every 24 hours).
Disguises: Donkey, Cave Spider, Endermite, Magma Cube, Ocelot, Slime, Pig Zombie, Rabbit.
Trails: Spark, Flame, White, Note,
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 50, Animals: 450, Villagers: 14
Access to /sethome with limit of 1 home. Note: Nether and End worlds only.
Access to Mob Catcher for Peaceful Mobs: Mooshroom, Pig, Sheep, Cow, Chicken, Squid, Wolf, Ocelot, Iron Golem, Snow Golem, Bat, Horse, Rabbit, Donkey, Llama, Mule, Skeleton Horse, Zombie Horse.

/medic to completely heal your character (usable every 24 hours).
/fc craft to open a portable FastCraft grid.
/sethome Set a custom specified home.
/kit emerald (every 5 days) containing:
20x Emeralds

Diamond - $52
Title: [Diamond]
2 Custom Prefix Titles * (or 1 additional title if upgrading from the Emerald Rank)
Repair a damaged item to full every 24 hours.
$2,500 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
Access to colored and formatted signs.
+50% Bonus Skybucks when completing challenges.
EnderChest size increased to 45 slots.
20 Super Crate Keys
McMMO Lucky Perk (33.3% better chance for abilities to activate)
Access to use an item as a hat.
Access to /anvil to repair any item to full durability (usable every 24 hours).
Disguises: ALL Disguises except Bosses.
Trails: Snow, Water, Lava, Crit, Smoke, Spell, Enchant, Splash, Slime.
Block Trails: Rainbow, Flower, Carpet, Redstone
Rain Trails: Tear, Blood
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 100, Animals: 525
Access to /sethome with limit of 3 homes.  Note: Nether and End worlds only.
Access to Mob Catcher for Hostile Mobs: Pig Zombie, Magma Cube, Cave Spider, Creeper, Skeleton, Spider, Zombie, Slime, Ghast, Enderman, Blaze, Angry Wolf, Witch, Wither Skeleton, Endermite, Guardian, Shulker, Husk, Zombie Villager, Vindicator, Evoker, Vex, Stray.

Diamond Commands:
/hat to use the item currently in your hand as a hat.
/anvil to repair a damaged item to full. (usable every 24 hours).
/kit diamond (every 5 days) containing:
2x Diamonds

Obsidian - $78
Title: [Obsidian]
3 Custom Prefix Titles * (Or 1 additional title if upgrading from the Diamond Rank. Or 2 additional titles if upgrading from the Emerald Rank)
$5,000 will be added to your in-game account instantly. (One-time only)
Receive 5 Bonus Tokens daily using the /dailybonus command.
30 Super Crate Keys
EnderChest size increased to 54 slots.
Permanent 10% Boost to any mcMMO experience earned.
Access to set your own time of day.
Access an enderchest from any location - * (not available in the dungeon world).
Disguises: ALL Disguises including Bosses.
Trails: ALL Available Particle Trails.
Block Trails: ALL Available Block Trails.
Rain Trails: ALL Available Rain Trails.
Particle Wings + Wing Builder!
Increased entity max limits to - Monsters: 200, Animals: 600, Golems: 10, Villagers: 16
Access to /sethome with limit of 5 homes. Note: Nether and End worlds only.
Access to Mob Catcher for Villagers.

Obsidian Commands:
/ptime to set your own time of day
/ptday Locks player time to day.
/ptnight Locks player time to night.
/pweather to change your personal weather in the world. ie: /pweather sun
/ender to access an enderchest from any location - * (not in the dungeon world)

Important Server Information / Survival Donor Guide
« on: January 06, 2017, 03:52:55 AM »
Survival Donor Shop Guide

Cosmetic Ranks - Higher tiers also get all the lower tiers perks. For example, T3 would get all perks. T2 would get T2's and T1's.

Tier 1:
/nick access. (e.g. Formatting, and name changing)
Colored chat access. Includes formats, except magic.
Access to special (Donor) prefix.
Chicken, Cow, and Sheep Disguises (No Extra Flags/Variants)
Particle Trails: Heart, Magic, White, Green, Red, Carpet blocks, Flower blocks, Snowball, Crit, Flame, Lava, Water, Notes, Clouds
Access to /glow and first five colors.

Tier 2:
All Passive Animal disguises (NO Variants)
Also disguise as a block.
Also use Disguise to disguise as any minecraft block.
[veteran] and [king]/[queen] Tags
Essentials /hat command.
More Trail Perks: Circle mode. More effects: Pop, splash, enchant, smoke, snow, spark, ender, fun, void, sand, endrod, slime. Rain: Netherwart and gold. Block trail effects: Sea, Wheat, Ore, Rainbow, Redstone, Clay
Upgraded to allow slots 5-11 colors in /glow

Tier 3:
Every disguise (-obnoxious ones) and every variant (e.g. baby mobs, endermen holding blocks, etc)
[mythic] tag.
More Trails Perks - Different particle mode, Wings mode, any rain particle.
Can use the rest of the colors and the Rainbow effect in /glow.
Access to /heads (Not same thing as /hat)

MCMMO Xp Boost - 12 Hours of triple xp in all mcmmo skills for the entire server.
Haste 4 - Global haste 4 for 4 hours.

Helpful info & commands:
/d (disguise)
/u (undisguise)
Info on formatting and colors

Important Server Information / Skyblock Server Rules
« on: January 06, 2017, 03:49:47 AM »
Domain of Death Edge Network
Skyblock Server Rules

If a staff member comments about your behavior or asks you to stop or change something, you are expected to listen. If you disagree with the staff member, you may appeal through the website by posting on the forums or directly messaging an Admin or Mod. Please be sure to include all the information, the time (and time zone) and day of occurrence, and the staff member who was handling the matter.

Obviously breaking a rule is going to warrant consequences, please be aware that you will get those consequences.

Be respectful
Be respectful to other players and staff. Treat others how you want to be treated! Do not be racist, sexist, homophobic, or rude. Do not intentionally provoke a negative response from someone. Trolling is also asked to be avoided.

Be ethical
Do not do anything that would give yourself an unfair advantage over any other player. No cheating! This includes using any form of Block Glitching as well as block or item duplication.  If you are caught doing any form of cheating, expect to be banned.  Play responsibly. If you find an exploit, inform staff about it! Help us make the server better. You should know what is right, and what is wrong, use your best judgment.

Some quick examples of breaking this rule that aren't directly linked to the rules below:
Joining people's islands to steal from them and leaving.
Kicking a player from your island or resetting your island without giving all players involved a chance to get their items/loot.

No Griefing
Do not modify any structure that you did not build unless it occurred naturally. Do not mess with anything you did not make, create, or build. This includes animals.

No Advertising
Don't advertise on our server, don't advertise on OTHER servers. The best way you can show your support is by voting! If you are found spamming on another server with our IP then you will face consequences! This goes along with the first rule: be respectful. Nobody likes advertising, we don't do it to other people because we don't want them to do it to us.
We have a zero tolerance policy about advertising other servers. This includes their numerical IP, custom server IP, server name, and server logos. If you ignore this rule and post other server information, you will be punished.
Commercial advertising would be bad as well. The only exception to this rule is advertising something you’re selling in your shop (Just don’t spam about it!)

No Hacking or Unapproved Mods
Mods that give you an unfair advantage will not be tolerated! This includes: Flyhack, Everbright (not needing torches), Godmode, Nodus, and ET CETERA. If you are not sure if a mod is permitted, just ask a staff member, we will be happy to answer your question or confer with other staff about it!
Start by checking HERE to see what we allow and what we don't allow.

Chat Rules
Caps are allowed as long as it is not being excessive. You may use caps for emphasis for a word or two in a sentence. Full sentences of caps is definitely excessive, as is constant short sentences of caps.
Swearing IS ALLOWED as long as it is not being either disrespectful, spammy or excessive.
Explicit sexual references, politics, and religion should not be used in global/general chat.
Please use some common sense about what topics are appropriate in global chat.

No Spamming
Spamming can interfere with other players gameplay, and with staff helping players who have server related issues. Do not post gibberish or senseless text, or purposely say the same thing over and over. If you make a mistake in your previous sentence, correct the one word, not the entire sentence again.
Complaining about everything could be considered spam. (Its okay to complain about one or two things on occasion when you're frustrated)
Posting multiple lines of song lyrics into chat is considered spamming. Instead, maybe link to that song on Youtube for everyone to enjoy (If it is appropriate!)

English Only in Global
This is an English speaking server. Please type in English in global! You are welcome to speak another language in private messages. (/msg, /w, /tell) This is not to inconvenience our international players, but to ensure that the server remains safe and appropriate at all times.

Do not ask to be made staff, admin, op, etc
We will not give this to you. You will not be granted staff just because you asked for it. If you are truly interested in becoming a dedicated member of our server's team, go to the Staff Applications section of the forum for more information. However, we don't care if you claim to be from PMC, Hollywood, Mojang, or the President of the United States, You will NOT be granted any special staff ranks or powers.

No Begging
Do not beg for anything from staff or other players. Constant repeated begging in general, whether for free items or to join other people's islands will be considered spam.

Make server suggestions in the forums! There is a place for that! There are some different categories already for things like Parkour suggestions, Dungeon suggestions, etc.! Look here.

Alternate Accounts
Make sure you Register your alternate account with us! Look on the top bar!
Any alternate accounts in use that are not registered will be punished.
Having an alternate account is allowed. No more than 2 accounts per individual.
If you have 2 accounts, they MUST be on the SAME island!
You may NOT have 2 accounts on 2 different islands!
You may NOT do /dailybonus (/db) on both accounts! Only on your Main Account.
You may leave one account AFK at your island while you go off with your other account to do other activities.
You may do Parkour and Dungeons with both accounts.
You may complete Challenges on both accounts.
You may Vote on both accounts.

If you have any questions about this, please ask!

First and foremost, it should follow all the rules.

1) Have the name make sense, No random collection of letters and/or numbers,symbols, etc.
- Example: Do NOT make your name something like: akjdnfhbakjdfhahfe
* This includes over use of the format command &k
This will be considered Spam.

2) No potentially offense or vulgar names. This includes things concerning politics and religion. If a staff member asks you to change your name, please listen to them. If you disagree with their decision, please appeal on the forums or directly message a Mod or Admin.

3) Do not constantly change your nickname, this can be confusing and annoying. Try to settle on a nickname!

4) You will NOT be allowed to try to impersonate another player, especially that of a staff member.

Repeatedly abusing this perk and violating the rules concerning nicknames can result in a Tempban and loss of the perk.

Island Warps and Enderpearls
If a player has built an island warp that is meant to be closed off, please respect that player's privacy and do not use enderpearls or any other glitches to exit out of their warp area. This is against the rules and will be punishable.

Island Visiting
It is up to the player to have adequate protection for their animals and crops against other players.

Island Harvesting
While this should fall under Be Ethical and Common Sense, this is NOT allowed. Island Harvesting is gathering materials off an island, resetting the island, rinse and repeat.

Mob Farms
Mob Farms, Obsidian farms, automated crop farms, and many other automated farms are permitted! If you are unsure about one, ask a staff member!

If your mob farm or any other sort of farm causes extreme lag, you may be asked to remove it, or a staff member will disable it for you.

Important Server Information / Survival Server Rules
« on: January 06, 2017, 03:45:01 AM »
Domain of Death Edge Network
Survival Server Rules

If a staff member comments about your behavior or asks you to stop or change something, you are expected to listen. If you disagree with the staff member, you may appeal through the website on the forums. Please be sure to include all the information, the time (and time zone) and day of occurrence, and the staff member who was handling the matter.

Obviously breaking a rule is going to warrant consequences, please be aware that you will get those consequences.

Be Respectful
Be respectful to other players and staff. Treat others how you want to be treated! Do not be racist, sexist, homophobic, or rude. Do not intentionally provoke a negative response from someone. Trolling is also asked to be avoided.

Be Ethical
Do not do anything that would give yourself an unfair advantage over any other player. No cheating! This includes using any form of Block Glitching as well as block or item duplication.  If you are caught doing any form of cheating, expect to be banned.  Play responsibly. If you find an exploit, inform staff about it! Help us make the server better. You should know what is right, and what is wrong, use your best judgment.

No Advertising
Don't advertise on our server, don't advertise on OTHER servers. The best way you can show your support is by voting! If you are found spamming on another server with our IP then you will face consequences! This goes along with the first rule: be respectful. Nobody likes advertising, we don't do it to other people because we don't want them to do it to us.
We have a zero tolerance policy about advertising other servers. This includes their numerical IP, custom server IP, server name, and server logos. If you ignore this rule and post other server information, you will be punished.
Commercial advertising would be bad as well. The only exception to this rule is advertising something you’re selling in your in-game shop (Just don’t spam about it!)

No Hacking or Unapproved Mods
Mods that give you an unfair advantage will not be tolerated! This includes: Flyhack, Everbright (not needing torches), Godmode, Nodus, and ET CETERA. If you are not sure if a mod is permitted, just ask a staff member, we will be happy to answer your question or confer with other staff about it!
Start by checking HERE to see what we allow and what we don't allow.

Chat Rules
Caps are allowed as long as it is not being excessive. You may use caps for emphasis for a word or two in a sentence. Full sentences of caps is definitely excessive. Constant short sentences of caps is also bad, as well as spammy.
Swearing IS ALLOWED as long as it is not being either disrespectful, spammy or excessive.
Explicit sexual references, politics, and religion should not be used in global/general chat.
Please use some common sense about what topics are appropriate in global chat.

No Spamming
Spamming can interfere with other players gameplay, and with staff helping players who have server related issues. Do not post gibberish or senseless text, or purposely say the same thing over and over. If you make a mistake in your previous sentence, correct the one word, not the entire sentence again, so it doesn't appear as if you are spamming.
Complaining about everything could be considered spam. (Its okay to complain about one or two things on occasion when you're frustrated)
Posting multiple lines of song lyrics into chat is considered spamming. Instead, maybe link to that song on Youtube for everyone to enjoy (If it is appropriate!)

English Only in Global
This is an English speaking server. Please type in English in global! You are welcome to speak another language in private messages. (/msg, /w, /tell) This is not to inconvenience our international players, but to ensure that the server remains safe and appropriate at all times.

Do not ask to be made staff, admin, op, etc
We will not give this to you. You will not be granted staff just because you asked for it. If you are truly interested in becoming a dedicated member of our server's team, check out the Staff Applications section of our forum. However, we don't care if you claim to be from PMC, Hollywood, Mojang, or the President of the United States, You will NOT be granted any special staff ranks or powers.

No Begging
Do not beg for anything from staff or other players. Constant repeated begging in general, whether for free items or any other reason will be considered spam.

Make server suggestions in the forums! There is a place for that! There are some different categories already for things like Parkour suggestions, Dungeon suggestions, etc.! Look here. Doing so will help keep track of players' suggestions and also opens it up for discussion.

Alternate Accounts
Make sure you Register your alternate account with us! Look on the top bar!
Any alternate accounts in use that are not registered will be punished.
Having an alternate account is allowed. No more than 2 accounts per individual.
You may Vote on both accounts.
Survival Spawn Secrets limit loot to one account.

If you have any questions about this, please ask!

First and foremost, it should follow all the rules.

1) Have the name make sense, No random collection of letters and/or numbers,symbols, etc.
- Example: Do NOT make your name something like: akjdnfhbakjdfhahfe
* This includes over use of the format command &k
This will be considered Spam.

2) No potentially offense or vulgar names. This includes things concerning politics and religion. If a staff member asks you to change your name, please listen to them. If you disagree with their decision, please appeal on the forums and include the name of the staff member who asked you to change it. In the case that we agree that it was okay, we would like to be able to pass the word along to the staff member so that more problems won't arise in the future.

3) Do not constantly change your nickname, this can be confusing and annoying. Try to settle on a nickname!

4) You will NOT be allowed to try to impersonate another player, especially that of a staff member.

Regarding Griefing, Stealing, & PVP
Griefing and Stealing in areas that are unclaimed is allowed. PVP is enabled outside of Spawn!

AFK'ing, Auto Farms, Machines:
If it's a sellable item in the Job Center, it is NOT allowed to be automated. Under no circumstance are Fully Automatic Farms allowed (this includes fish farm machines). Players are allowed to farm materials however they can without the use of hoppers, ie: using piston/pressure plate to harvest or through the use of a hoe/shear/etc or water flow. Since there is still some form of interaction required (stepping on plates, pushing buttons, toggling a lever, etc) this is considered semi-auto and allowed. Since hoppers aren't allowed, this automatically sorts out most automatic machines for the exception of certain machines such as a AFK fish farms. An AFK Fish Farm is completely automatic and therefore against the rules to have and use. AFK farming is allowed (except for auto fishers) such as afk mining at a stone generator. Auto kill mob farms are allowed, such as killing by fall damage, magma blocks, or crushers. Iron and Gold farms are allowed.

Important Server Information / Forum Rules
« on: January 04, 2017, 06:55:51 PM »
      Forum Rules:
  • Be Respectful - Do not be racist, sexist, homophobic, or rude. Hate posts and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Treat others as you would expect them to treat you. Posting topics specifically designed to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling) is also asked to be avoided. Don't post or link to anything pornographic, disgusting, gory, or illegal.

  • No Spamming - Do not post gibberish. Do not multi-post, there is an Edit button. Purposely spamming a message board with senseless, vacuous, or empty messages to gain a higher post count, or just to annoy others is highly frowned upon!
    If it has been 24 hours since your last post, and you've updated the first post of your thread with something important, you may post "Updated the first post" or something along those lines.

  • No Advertising - Do not advertise for other Minecraft servers! We have a zero tolerance policy about advertising other servers. This includes their numerical IP, custom server IP, server name, and server logos. If you ignore this rule and post other server information, you will get forum banned, and possibly banned on our server. Commercial spamming and advertising are just as unwelcome. You also should not advertise OUR server!

  • English Only - This is an English speaking forum. Please type your posts in English.

  • About Ban Appeals - Ban appeals are only for the person applying, and staff, unless you have evidence to post.

Try to put some effort into your replies. If you disagree with someone, say why. If you agree with someone, say why. If you like or dislike something, say why. If you can't be bothered to say why, that's fine, just move on.

Before asking for support, ensure that you read the sticky topics placed throughout the forums. Chances are your query will already be answered and will save staff and members time in answering repeated questions. Try checking the FAQ!

Server News and Announcements / Nether and End Reset Schedule
« on: January 04, 2017, 06:54:44 PM »
This thread will be used to announce Nether and End regenerations for the Skyblocks and Survival servers. That will give you time to prepare and obtain anything you need from the current one before the new worlds are created.

Do NOT think this gives you the right to grief other players' builds on Skyblocks. This is still against the rules and griefers will be punished accordingly.

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