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Messages - FaliniFyreheart

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14
Forum Games / Scrapped Suggestions
« on: January 07, 2017, 09:00:30 PM »
This game was brought to you by Icepie1.

Players post strange ideas that might never happen, and the player after them says why it wouldn't work. Then they say an idea, and it goes on.

Player 1: They should add the TARDIS!
Player 2: Time travel isn't really possible. They should add parrots!
Player 3: But there are no Froot Loops! They should add machines.
Player 4: No way, the machines would take over the world! They should add laser beams.


I will start with:
Minecraft should add an Ender Dragon Hatchling that comes out of the Dragon Egg!

General Discussion / Challenge Showcase
« on: January 07, 2017, 08:57:34 PM »
Started by Roescoe, this thread was created for players to share achievements they've made!

Ha ha so I'm proud to show off my 10Kth time completing the cactus challenge.

and Dun dun DUN!

I was curious what challenges you are proud of completing, whether it be number of times or rarity. Also you can talk about your challenge goals for the future.


I looked and found an early screenshot of my ice platform project

For those of you who do not know the story, the island level value of ice use to be relatively high, around .1 levels for each block. So I came up with a brilliant idea to create a giant platform that eventually became the size of the default island space, cover it in water, and then change my biome so it all turned into ice. The project took 6 hours to complete the platform which was made of wood (which I bought off Roescoe and was around 12 double chests of logs that I turned into planks and halfslabs.). I was in teamspeak with Roescoe and Imabeastkiller the entire time and Death was in it as well but didn't have a mic. It produced close to 150 levels per 10 minutes when it started freezing over and I got Skylord very quickly. Death was there too cause he was listening to everything and just looked down at the platform judging me the entire time. The next morning the stats for Ice blocks were changed lol.

Pics that Roe had of it, too:
the second one is the one I remember taking. It was really cool to walk over that massive amount of ice and through the snow. Fun times!




Roescoe again

Biggest trade in = 1724 cactus
68+4x=1724 -> x= 414 Integral(68+4xdx, x=0, x=414) = 370,944 or in other words a total of 370,944 cactus spent in one go
updated # on times completed
so I had 14284 before the migration
adding that with what I have now 14284+4790= 19074 (so close to 20k )


General Discussion / Minecraft Wallpapers
« on: January 07, 2017, 08:47:30 PM »
Post your created wallpapers here for everyone to see and enjoy! If you've made wallpapers from another program, you can share those too! Try out NovaSkin :)

Here's an album with some that I've made.





Falini - Random

Are YOU ready for the challenge of Skyblocks?

Maybe we will have Mini Games again one day.

Nate 4 President

Yaaaayyy Survival!

Master Fishers


Falini - Staff Wallpapers
Owner & Co-Owner

Owner, Co-Owner, & Admins

The Mods





General Discussion / DOD Screenshots
« on: January 07, 2017, 08:31:15 PM »
This thread is for players to share the screenshots they've taken on DOD!
If you have more than one or two, please just post a link to either an album or the image itself!
Try to keep all your screenshots in one post! You can Edit your post to add more later. It may be wise to make use of the spoiler tags!

Screenies from previous thread:
Link to holiday screenshots, 2015.



Slumber Party!


Spawn villager with buggy lighting (Now he's saint)

Shop preview (IT'S STYLISH!!)

Bridge on my Skyblock (Currently going to nowhere)




Dungeon Master


Falini, playing with WearMC Mod
and here's a link to pictures of her old island warp



Him and meapian:


Hey guys! I hope you love spawn as much as I do! To show my love, I'ma share it with you!
Texture pack: Conquest
Shader Pack: Currently can't think of the name...

I hope you enjoyed viewing these pictures of this amazing spawn :)

Batman and the bats




Hello everyone of DOD!!
Here is my post on pictures taken on the server!
These will be my builds! (All of which can be viewed at /is warp 99FireyMan99)

Located Outside of My Warp /is warp 99FireyMan99

Rainbow Spiral Tunnel:
Located Outside of My Warp /is warp 99FireyMan99

Chris P. Bacon Tribute:
Located at My Warp /is warp 99FireyMan99

FaliniFyreheart Monument:
Located at My Warp /is warp 99FireyMan99

Cool Pictures:

Lincoln Memorial:
Located North-West corner of my island!

Washington Monument:
Located Near Lincoln Memorial


Link to the many screenshots of Roescoe. Click "All DOD Screenshots"

well here's a few more recent of mine.

Through the door: A view from 4's island

Another view from 4's island

Other images of my island from my island

An aerial shot of the sphere

New texture pack and my cloud

Sunrise on Roescoelandia

Images of the nether

Yay! non-updated lava in the new nether.

Yeah? So what? I don't care the massive environmental damage I'm causing in the nether.

An early image of ry's island

And finally, Dun dun dun
The best and most meaningful picture I could find


Alice / Misasura
Top of the Advent tree!


Made a tie fighter, from a guide on youtube.



Jeffery The Nightmare


Taking Pictures w/ Elytra

Google and Firey


Contests and Events / Alastriond's Nightmare Before Christmas entry
« on: January 07, 2017, 08:08:50 PM »
I had to clear my plot for new builds, however I have captured a few images so that my contest entry can live on.


To Halloween Town

Halloween Town

Oogie Moon over Halloween Town

Pumpkin King

Jack Skellington

Jack's Lament


A long walk in the woods...


Christmas Town


Oogie Boogie!


General Discussion / What's the story behind your name?
« on: January 07, 2017, 07:51:03 PM »
So after seeing Aidan's somewhat mysterious post about the reasoning behind his name, I figured why not make a thread for it! Everyone who wants to, post the reasoning behind your in-game name and shock us all 

Ill start off.

So my ign is xXIIDeviousIIXx
The reasoning behind my name is: Back during my intial days of my Minecraft experience, I enjoyed the more natural side of it. I loved everything green, from the trees to the grass, to the leaves. When multiplayer first was released for Minecraft, and PvP along with it. I enjoy... Ambush my friends in numerous sneaky and deceptive ways. As my time on Minecraft progressed, as did my grammar skills (Who would have thought! My grammar used to be worse). I found myself bouncing from one server to another, never revealing much of myself and enjoying my ability to attain this "mysterious" and sneaky character. It was only when I landed on a server called "DuckCraft" if I remember rightly, that I was called this strange... new word. A word which caused me both great interest and confusion. "Devious". I googled it, as everyone does when unsure on something. And I loved the definition. It defined my play style and I knew I wanted it as my name. Unfortunately "Devious" was taken so I added some extra parts to suit the style of names that were trending at the time. adding xXII to both the beginning and end of my name. Forming... xXIIDeviousIIXx

Boring right? Well i'm sure you guys have better stories lol. Have fun and be creative I suppose!

Good idea! For some reason I thought we already had a thread like this. Nice to see someone else start it!
Interesting story, I don't think it's boring. Now we know the reason behind your name and some history!

My story:

Keep in mind, I was like 9 at this time. Played this game all thru to my teenager years. Other games too of course..
When the game EverQuest came out, my mom got it and was playing. I created a character on her account to play, a Human Magician named Falini. At level 20 you get a surname. I chose Firekeeper. 20 some levels later, I was helping my friend's alternate character by giving them some hand-me-down gear. One piece was a ring, that also worked as a wedding ring. My friend clicked Yes and stole my last name  So, I got it changed to Fyreheart. Since I didn't know what else to use, it got used for my email, AIM, other character names, etc.. Sooo it's stuck with me today.

The End.

i got my username for a miscelanious unfitting ammount of reasons that you could i guess call a fragment of a story
chapter 1, OVER: it had occured to me one day that i couldnt keep a login no matter what i did even if i wrote it over and over again and i always found myself irl and on the internet and computer having to do things all over again due to my massive ammounts of disorganization

chapter 2, NUMBERS: 9 i just love how odd that number is and how it seems to be the hardest number for mew to work with
0 zero ( 0 ) is my favorite character from megaman
8 because usualy when im playing mario kart with my step brother after me winning 7 to 8 times in a row hell win with a last second blue shell or star
7 because it USED TO be my favorite number
and 6 because in the LEGO Bionicle series there was always 6 main good guys and bad guys

When I got my xbox 360 at like 10 years old. I couldn't think of a gamertag one of the suggestions had google in it and my first game on 360 was Oblivion. So i mashed those up and got googleoblivion. Like Fal's name it has stuck with me for everything I use today.

I got mine Several years ago, trying to make a Pogo account. My parents kept playing bingo on it, and that was one of the only games I really wanted to play on it. So I made an account, and little while later, i couldn't figure out the password, and was too young to understand the concept of changing my password <Yeah... Wasn't the smartest person...>. So I just made a new account, and I REALLY wanted my old name, and again, being the smart person i was.. got completely confused as to why it wasn't working, and saw the red "X" next to my name. So i changed it, including my favorite game on the site.. the word "KING" just because.. and the year I was born. And like Fal and Google, been what I use for most of my accounts.

So there is my long winded version of "I wanted to make an account on this gaming site called Pogo and I only wanted to play bingo." and no, I'm not really the king of bingo.. stoped playing on Pogo after like... 2 or 3 months i made the account. lol

In the early years of my experience with computer games I had fun with a variety of discs contained within a CD case. On the front of this case was the lettering "HP OpenView." Naturally, this is what I used as my username for the first sites I visited. When the name was worn out and caused issues with certain games, I had to change my username to something different. Familiar with the term "hpopenview" already, I chose to alter the username so that it became what it is today. (hp0penwiew)

We can all agree that the username I currently have is superior to all, so I have had no reason to change it. 

Okay, so my story is along the lines of Fal, Google, and others, except it wasn't a name created for a game.

Way back when, I was seriously weeaboo, and I had started looking at the Japanese language. I found out it was syllabic and started messing around with forming the syllables into words that rolled off the tongue, not to use in conversation, but just to be weird (I still form strange words that way). So I got it into my head to make two names for myself, one for my masculine persona and one for my feminine one (that's another story in itself). Misasura was the masculine name I made, and in my imagination, it's both the family and personal name in one word. I just sorta started using it for other accounts after that because I REALLY liked the name. Eventually I grew up and started using my last name and initials for everything professional, but I still use Misasura for gaming and the occasional character.

My story is kinda weird but simple.

When i first made my mc account it was gonna be named something else completely different i dont remember the name though and when i went to type in the username and password the username didn't work so i went and used my email to find out what happened and i found out that somehow my name turned into icepie1 i didn't like the name at first, but it grew on me it really started to grow on me when i was on a factions server and my nickname gived to me by my faction leader called me ice so i kept using it for everything

I'm over 6'10....and I'm a big teddy bear..../story.

It was 2010, so I was either 10 or 11 when I came up with my name. This was way at the beginning of my gaming career. I started to play this game called "Atlantica Online" it was a very simple game that gets on your nerves rather quickly. The first character I created was a mage. I firstly intended for my character to be "Ry Cass." Ry for Ryan and Cass for Cassandra(witch is my sisters name) I soon found out she had no interest in the game so I ended up changing my name. I liked the way Rycass rolled off the tongue so i soon changed it to cast after thinking "Hmmm cast.... magic... cast... Yes!"
My secondary nick name that I have is Kinbera, witch doesn't have much of a story, just wanted to find a name that would fluently roll off the tongue. I liked it so I have used it on many games. Rycast will always be my main username though.

Here goes the story its not very big but oh well so I'll tell you my first username, NingaDog11, so I just started minecraft one night and I was thinking before that what should my name be oh hey it should be NinjaDog11 and the Dog part was because I like dogs and I act like one and the Ninja part was because well who wouldn't and the 11 part was because I was 11 when I got to create and got minecraft at first then I made my name downloaded minecraft and texted my friends saying hey I got minecraft but there was something coming up for me I accidentally spelled my name like NingaDog11 and I couldn't change so I was like dangit! Then I changed it to NinjaDog11 because I wanted to keep it like that but later I realized I need something better something like people do now a days so I went to DoggyMC the Doggy because that was my nickname on the server and the MC for well minecraft. And there you have it that is the story behind my name!

Important Server Information / Skyblocks Holiday Guide
« on: January 07, 2017, 07:29:56 PM »
I've written this title and chest guide for you all to enjoy and take advantage of all the holiday goodies we've provided for you!

Holiday Title Guide
Just can't find the last few holiday tags? Have no fear! It's Christmastime so we're feeling generous. Here's a guide to hunting those titles! All of them can be found thru /holiday, but where do you go from there?!

What tags are available, you ask? Here's a list!
Santa's Reindeer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph
Other Holiday Tags: Jolly, Frozen, Candy, Scrooge, Grinch, Santa, Elf, Solstice, Kinara, Dreidel

Main /holiday area:
Solstice - Parkour up the wreath. The sign is above it.
Dasher - Go thru the zombie head doorway. Look on the back of the Death snowman.
Scrooge - Walk thru the water portal past the fountain. Look left on the wall.
Vixen - Thru the enderman head doorway, look on top of the redstone block surrounded with flowers.
Dancer - /holidaywarp and look to the right in the cubby.
Cupid - Inside the room on the other side of the fountain near /holidaywarp, look above the fireplace.
Comet - Get on the bench near the tiny xmas tree. Jump to the tree, then jump to the ladder on the Netherbrick. Walk down to the end and look up. The sign is on a pillar.

Ice Castle:
Frozen - On the trunk of the tree
Prancer - Use the elevator signs straight past the tree to go up 3 times. Go to the stairs. Double sprint jump off the stairs to the cobble wall to the tree.

Ice Skating:
Jolly – As soon as you warp in, turn around.
Donner – Click the other sign to get underneath the ice. Turn around and click the sign.

Advent Calendar:
Santa - A sign on Santa's Sleigh
Blitzen - Push the button on the reindeer's eye closest to the sleigh
Rudolph - Push Rudolph's right eye button

Holiday Room:
Elf - In front of you on a green sign as soon as you go in.

Gifting Tree:
Candy - Inside the gingerbread house on the doorframe.
Grinch - Go behind the gifting tree, and climb down the ladder of it's trunk. Title sign is in the giant present box at the end of the present parkour.
Dreidel - Inside the Dreidel at the end of the dreidel parkour.
Kinara - Jump to the highest candle on the kinara, then drop down where you see the sign.

Holiday Chest Guide
Advent Calendar: Of course, there are the 12 Advent chests. There is a chest on the sleigh, and one on the tree. Parkour to get to them! There's a chance to get a Nether Star from the tree chest.
Gifting Tree: There is a chest under the tree. Then in the back of the tree, there's a ladder down. There is one chest at the end of the parkour inside the giant present.
Ice Castle: Just like with the Prancer title, use the elevator 3 times then hop over to the tree to loot the chest. Then go to the roof, to the NorthEast corner platform. Click the sign. Loot the chest inside the beacon.

Important Server Information / Survival Server Player Warp Thread
« on: January 07, 2017, 07:29:23 PM »

llGooglell/rg tp shopRight Side
llGooglell/rg tp moonpoolFishing Area
xXIIDeviousIIXx/rg tp shopLeft Side
DahSteel/rg tp marketplaceWIP
DahSteel/rg tp mineshopWIP
BitsyBee04/rg tp bakeryWIP
Jussabuss/rg tp jusscityThere's also /rg tp jusstown
Roescoe/rg tp roetownFree enchanting/crop harvest, be considerate of others.
TheFireElementor/rg tp fishingpier-
NightFyre Shop/rg tp falinifyreheart-4Sell stuff to me for money!
Public Library/rg tp libraryLooking for a specific enchant for your tools or weapons? Come visit the now open Public Library. Remember to bring your emeralds to trade with.
Name/rg tp RegionComment

General Discussion / Birthday Thread
« on: January 07, 2017, 07:21:38 PM »
Hey there! This is a thread to list all our members birthdays! On your birthday you may get a broadcast, a party, a gift, who knows! But we can all at least wish you a happy birthday on your special day. Post in the thread with your birthdate below and I will add it to the first post!
We do have a birthday party warp, so if there are enough people on, and you'd like to, we can have a party!

Jan 19 - Nightwolf3218 (MasterRahl)
Jan 29 - TheFireElementor

Feb 2 - Alastriond
Feb 6 - mrdad4sure
Feb 16 - webik150
Feb 16 - high327

March 4 - Failedwhistle5
March 17 - Septina
March 31 - GiantGentleman

April 11 - DahSteel
April 21 - Deltice12

May 11 - DahTurtle
May 16 - JirayaDaMan
May 21 - FrostElfIceika
May 24 - Rycast
May 29 - BINGOKING1998 (Bingo)

June 5 - DragonMuffinMan
June 23 - XHorrible_GamerX (Horrible)

July 22 - rayriaz (Ray)
July 26 - IceFireMagi

August 16 - WorldsHappiest
August 22 - Owens_51

Sept 5 - BrazilianMastif
Sept 12 - sslavik15 (Sarah)
Sept 17 - 99FireyMan99

Oct 2 - Misasura (Alice)
Oct 4 - raydevon (Devon)
Oct 17 - meapian36
Oct 28 - Deathinflames666 (Death)
Oct 29 - jpreynaga (Jessie)
Oct 31 - EliOzzy (Previously SageOzzy)

Nov 1 - xXIIDeviousIIXx (Devious)
Nov 4 - EllieGirl738
Nov 9 - NingaDog11 (Doggy)
Nov 13 - LadyOfTheRealm

Dec 5 - earjes (Jes)
Dec 7 - Cyb3rNat3 (Cloud_Strife)
Dec 8 - KnightMario
Dec 11 - Icepie1
Dec 12 - Rick_Deckard
Dec 25 - FaliniFyreheart
Dec 30 - Demonx341

Contests and Events / Art Contest 2015
« on: January 07, 2017, 07:18:13 PM »
Wanted to keep these lovely entries around since it's DOD fan art :3

Creep3rmuffin's entry

Rycast's entry

Elise_Valentine's entry


General Discussion / Web Sites DoD Skyblock Edge is listed on
« on: January 06, 2017, 06:49:43 AM »
Sites server has voting enabled:

TopG (Voting Enabled)

Minecraft Forums (Voting Enabled)

planetminecraft (Voting Enabled)

Sites server is listed on:
Updated: 9-2-2016 (Bumpable)

PlanetMinecraft (Bumpable) (Bumpable)













Introductions / Re: Previous Introductions
« on: January 06, 2017, 06:48:40 AM »
The name's Deckard... Rick_Deckard
1. What is your name?
     Rick_Deckard is my ign and sad to say I'm so accustomed to it I often respond to Rick irl as well...
2. When did you start playing MineCraft?
     I could look it up but I think it's been a little over 3 years now.
3. Is this your first server?
     DOD was the first server I came across that I liked and I haven't left (while it's been up) since.
4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame?
     I'm horrible at mini games... but if I had the money for it I do love the slot machine at /warp casino. :p
5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge?
     Death.  It's rare to come across an owner who puts in as much thought and personal effort as him. I've also generally enjoyed the type of player that seems to be drawn to the DOD server. Not sure what it is, but ti's always seemed to produce a truly unique community. I'd also challenge anyone to find a better skyblock server. My bet is you won't find one.
6. Have you played SkyBlock before?
     I was somewhat forced into learning how to play it :p  Now that I have, it's my favorite way to play minecraft.
7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft?
     It's legos. Legos where you never run out of pieces. *Heaven*
8. What is your favorite Mob?
     Iron Golems. Followed up by snow golems.
9. What is your favorite block?
     Anything you can make an awesome build with. I'm a big fan of sand though.
10. What is your favorite building style?
     CLEAN. I like clean lines, perfect symmetry, repeating patterns, building with purpose, and simple to navigate structures. I also really like desert styled builds, but naturally those are hard to put into my island as of now :p
11. Do you like to build?
     Love it. It's what drew me to minecraft in the first place. In fact, it's really the only thing I do in minecraft.
12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.)
     ... if you can't guess it by this point, I'm sorry. :p
13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team?
     I work alone best. It's part of why skyblock is kinda ideal for me. I like towny and all that, but honestly I need perfect control of my space to feel comfortable. I do like joining in for group raids on fortresses and stuff, but I'm never much help lol. I actually started playing servers because I was tired of having nobody to talk to while playing on my own. I wanted a way in which I could share what I was doing with other people while also learning from what they do to collectively improve our minecraft experiences.
14. What is your favorite music?
     So long as it's not country, I'm okay with it. I listen to a little of everything. So long as it fits the mood. Though I end up listening to a lot of Rap, EDM, Alternative, and Classical.
15. What is your favorite videogame?
     Harvest Moon franchise games. I've played almost all of them through to completion. They're basically a game where you come into owning a farm and work to improve it while interacting with the towns people and creatures while also courting a selection of love interests to eventually marry them lol. My first one was Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, and I still regularly play Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (which is basically the GBA version of BTN).
16. What is your favorite book/book series?
     I love all the classic Sci-fi authors. Gibson is my favorite, and I'd recommend Burning Chrome by him. It's a collection of short stories and it's the epitome of cyberpunk. Because of my ign-sake I'm also required to say Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. :p
17. What is your favorite TV Show?
     I've watched an insane amount of anime series. Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, and Mushi - shi are probably my tops though. Oh, and Sherlock.
18. What is your favorite Movie?
     Blade Runner (based off of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep). I mean, who doesn't love some classic Harrison Ford? It's directed by Ridley Scott on top of that! Perfect combo.
I also really enjoyed: Kingdom of Heaven, Eyes Wide Shut, American Psycho, Pulp Fiction, Goodwill Hunting... this is actually way too long of a list. Just assume I liked it if it's got some gritty action, awesome twist, off the beaten path storyline, and/or sci-fi.

19. What is your favorite thing to drink?
     I actually have a bottlecap collection. It started when I went over seas and started trying a selection of drinks I wouldn't normally have seen in the US. Bringing back the caps is a cool way to remember it. I put magnets on the back of each one and then mount it to an aluminum sheet that I've placed in the back of a frame. In the year in which I've been doing this, I've managed to nearly fill the entire thing and will soon need to make another. It forces me to keep trying new things. Mostly it's beer that comes in bottles now a days, but you can really find some awesome sodas like this. I like cream soda best for sodas, and if it's beer you gotta go stouts/porters.
20. What is your favorite food?
     Eh, I'll try anything once.
21. What was/is your favorite subject in school?
     I was always really interested in biology and after graduating I'm working in the Environmental Sciences field developing my own company on the side. It's still in the research phase, but if my system can prove to work at a low enough operating cost it could truly change an entire farming process that's been in place since the early 1900's.
22. What country do you live in?
     U. S. of A.
23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo?
     -_- my computer crashes if I run any more than one program at a time... sooooo those are out of the question for me for a while.
24. Are you a dog or cat person?
     I'm an animal person. I get along well with almost any animal so when it comes to dogs or cats I'd have to say I'd pick whichever would fit my life style best at that time... currently that would probably be a cat.
25. Describe yourself :D
    I generally like my own space, but this is a place where I can meet people with some mutual interests. I enjoy when everyone has an open community and shares not only their ideas and opinions for minecraft but also their take on life.
For any other question, refer to answers 1 through 24.


The one about the Roeambler - Roescoe
So yeah clearly Roescoe thinks he's hot stuff otherwise he wouldn't be posting in a place where you get to talk all about yourself. It also means that he seeks to get praise and validation for what accomplishments and tastes he had attained, all in order to feed his little ego.

Oh hey this is Roescoe just ignore that text up there, a silly guy thinks he knows everything jabbering on and on. Yes! questions, here they are...

1. What is your name?

We'll just stick with well Roescoe, cause there are always prying people/ murderers out there...

2. When did you start playing MineCraft?

I started playing mc in version 1.2.5

3. Is this your first server?

Nope I played on one server for one day, found a lot of annoying people on the next day. I then moved to another server for a bit, but that one got whitelisted, and I was too lazy to apply for a whitelist, which I would have been approved on... Then I found a server that I played on for a bit, but I had no idea it was dying and so I met one member on that dying server, and from then on I have been playing on his server, of which I was the original tester. :D

4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame?

Well I kinda hate every single minigame, because they all have too much action for me. so eh? (find a passive, more strategic one and I might be interested.)

5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge?

Definitely the community, without these certain mods and admins (You know who you are :D) this server would be nothing. Thanks guys! Oh and don't forget the other players too. :)

6. Have you played SkyBlock before?

Well I actually kinda got minecraft to because I watched a skyblock and an Aether video, but the silly thing was that I built my own "skyblock by pillaring up with the basics and then forcing myself to play up on top.That's standard Roescoe, always doing it the hard way. :D

7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft?

The seemingly endlessness of every aspect of the game, from the map, to the resources, to the playtime :D ...

8. What is your favorite Mob?

Well since I think the reference to Caste in the Sky is awesome, I'll have to go with the Iron golems. Plus the fact that I have a lot of farms :D

9. What is your favorite block?

Probably podzul, though my initial reaction was,"Eww what is this stuff?"

10. What is your favorite building style?

I'd have to say I like the organic / natural building style the best, ie building into the surrounding or using lot of leaves, grass, vines, etc to mask one's building.

11. Do you like to build?

I like building arenas, compact redstone devices, and giant structures.

12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.)

I suppose I would have to say building because I have the most patience for that.

13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team?

Well as of right now I prefer playing alone. The real thing that would change my mind on that is whether the space to build is limited or not. I'd be glad to be on someone else's team, if we could each build giant projects that didn't take up all the space :D (As in help each other build out things.)

14. What is your favorite music?

Well you should look at this thread.

15. What is your favorite videogame?

Well I'd probably say that some version or mod of Escape Velocity has given me the most enjoyment watching and playing it.

16. What is your favorite book/book series?

I'll say Chronicles of Narnia, though there are tons of great books out there so that is merely one of my favorites.

17. What is your favorite TV Show?

Sadly I don't watch tv, or any shows on it, though I suppose an old 60's show would count The prisoner

18. What is your favorite Movie?

Well the one that really left an impression on me was 5 Centimeters Per Second

19. What is your favorite thing to drink?


20. What is your favorite food?

Triscuit thin crisps

21. What was/is your favorite subject in school?

I think the theoretical part of math has been such.

22. What country do you live in?

Well I live within the country of "freedom" in the state of chaos.

23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo?

I have used TeamSpeak in the past, I may use it again in the future.

24. Are you a dog or cat person?

What about the choices "both" or "neither?" :P Well I'm both :D

25. Describe yourself :D

I am the guy that seems normal, having his head together, however the more you know me, the more you realize how irritating / bossy / opinionated person I am. So I say steer clear unless you know what you're getting into. :D Nah I'm your "Not-so-average-guy" who knows less about pop culture than he should, who is also into a strange combo of stuff. Oh and there's a lot of sarcasm strewn about this post so don't take it all seriously.

Introductions / Re: Previous Introductions
« on: January 06, 2017, 06:48:29 AM »
Intro to the world of pud - mypudpud
Hey there!

1. What is your name? My IGN is mypudpud but my real name is Aidan.
2. When did you start playing Minecraft? I started playing Minecraft at Alpha Version 1.2.4 which was shortly after my birthday in 2010.
3. Is this your first server? Nope, I have played a few other servers before this one (I still play at one of these). I started playing my previous server on my birthday of 2011. This is because it was an 18 plus SMP server at the time. I stuck with this server and eventually started playing their factions server.
4. What is your favourite MineCraft Minigame? My Favourite Minigame is villager defence.
5. What is your favourite part of DoDEdge? The things I find great about DodEdge are the players, there is not one normal player on here and I believe that everyone is actually crazy.
6. Have you played SkyBlock before? Yes I have played skyblock on my previous server, however once you become mod on a server that at the time had over 120 players on at one time, you can never play there again XD. My friend and I also had a go at making a server, but after months of trouble with the host we gave in.
7. What is your favourite thing about MineCraft? My favourite thing about minecraft is the originality and simplicity of the game. It makes me question sometimes how I am still interested after all this time.
8. What is your favourite Mob? I know that this is a passive Mob, but villagers are my favourite. The sound they make is amazing.
9. What is your favourite block? I am a lover of all things, however back in alpha my favourite was cobblestone because it looked amazing.
10. What is your favourite building style? I guess with the roofs we make that we have an Asian style of sorts.
11. Do you like to build? Well I am a horrible builder. I am great at squares, however I can usually build the outsides but the insides of the things I build are terrible.
12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.) I am both a builder and a PVP guy, that’s why for the most of my minecraft life I have played factions.
13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team? Coming from factions I both like and fear playing in a team, however after a few years of playing I have found the most trustworthy group of friends that you could ever find.
14. What is your favourite music? My favourite band is actually classed as Britpop, however my favourite music in genres are Rock and 90’s.
15. What is your favourite videogame? My favourite video game is Age of Empires 2. What a classic!
16. What is your favourite book/book series? I am not a reader, however I do read the Top Gear Magazine from time to time.
17. What is your favourite TV Show? My favourite shows are, Game of thrones, Breaking bad, Grey’s anatomy and Sherlock.
18. What is your favourite Movie? My favourite movie is Rambo First blood II
19. What is your favourite thing to drink? Coffee, Strongbow, JD, Cola…. The usual.
20. What is your favourite food? I am a fan of all things Italian.
21. What was/is your favourite subject in school? My favourite subject at school was and is Engineering.
22. What country do you live in? I live in England, or as you Americans know it the UK.
23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo? I have used both but quite honestly skype is the best all round. I have all 3 if anyone wants to chat just ask!
24. Are you a dog or cat person? I honestly believe that cats are the devils work. All they are made to do is bring a world of pain to their owners. So naturally I am a dog person.
25. Describe yourself. Here is a case of why have a dog and describe yourself… I am a typical British student. I love socialising and drinking and all that, however unlike most students I am actually focused on getting a good grade.
26. What is your job, or what would you like to do as a job? I am currently studying Motorsports Engineering at university. My dream job would be working for McLaren F1 as a design Engineer.

They Call Me Jessie - jpreynaga
1. What is your name?  Jessie!
2. When did you start playing MineCraft?  The beginning of 2012
3. Is this your first server? Nah, I've played on a couple others.
4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame? I don't have any...
5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge? All the people are pretty rad
6. Have you played SkyBlock before? Yes!
7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft? How open it is
8. What is your favorite Mob? The cat
9. What is your favorite block? THe dirt
10. What is your favorite building style? Dirt
11. Do you like to build? I like to, but I'm no good at it.
12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.) Nothing!
13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team? Depends I suppose.
14. What is your favorite music? I like most things, but what I listen changes depending on how I feel.
15. What is your favorite videogame? Oh man oh man, there are a couple that I really like... I guess my favorite though is Sonic Adventure 2
16. What is your favorite book/book series? I liked The Dark Tower series, and I am really enjoying The Wheel of Time series.
17. What is your favorite TV Show? Right now probably It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
18. What is your favorite Movie? Finding Nemo, Snatch, and Reservoir Dogs all come to mind
19. What is your favorite thing to drink? Chocolate milk
20. What is your favorite food? Tony's Pizza
21. What was/is your favorite subject in school? I've enjoyed all of my Computer Science classes
22. What country do you live in? USA
23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo? None
24. Are you a dog or cat person? Cat
25. Describe yourself :D Wanna be cool kid

1. What is your name? hp0penwiew, but you can call me whatever you want!
2. When did you start playing MineCraft? Minecraft Beta 1.2!
3. Is this your first server? No, it is not.
4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame? I absolutely positively love Sky Wars!
5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge? The community!
6. Have you played SkyBlock before? Yes
7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft? The endless amount of creativity it can handle.
8. What is your favorite Mob? The wolf
9. What is your favorite block? Stone brick
10. What is your favorite building style? Victorian
11. Do you like to build? I'm not very enthusiastic about it, but I try!
12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.) PvP
13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team? Alone, I fly solo.  :cool:
14. What is your favorite music? EDM
15. What is your favorite videogame? Minecraft!
16. What is your favorite book/book series? The Percy Jackson series
17. What is your favorite TV Show? The Office
18. What is your favorite Movie? Exam
19. What is your favorite thing to drink? Water!
20. What is your favorite food? Chicken breasts!
21. What was/is your favorite subject in school? Physics
22. What country do you live in? The United States of America
23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo? I don't have a microphone.
24. Are you a dog or cat person? I don't have experience with either, but I'd say dogs!
25. Describe yourself :D Always willing to help a person in need!

Introductions / Previous Introductions
« on: January 06, 2017, 06:47:43 AM »
From the old forums!

Death Introduction
1. What is your name?
2. When did you start playing MineCraft?
late November, 2011.
3. Is this your first server?
Yes :)
4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame?
CrackShot (Guns) & Skywars
5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge?
6. Have you played SkyBlock before?
7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft?
Plugins :)
8. What is your favorite Mob?
9. What is your favorite block?
Beacon & Glass
10. What is your favorite building style?
Gothic, medieval.
11. Do you like to build?
Only when i am in a creative mood. :)
12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.)
13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team?
14. What is your favorite music?
Death Metal, Black Metal, Symphonic Metal, Power Metal, +many more.
15. What is your favorite videogame?
All versions of Battlefield & Call of Duty.
16. What is your favorite book/book series?
There's No Such Thing As A Dragon
17. What is your favorite TV Show?
Breaking Bad
18. What is your favorite Movie?
I am definitely a movie fanatic, but my all time favorite movies are Big Trouble in Little China & Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon.
19. What is your favorite thing to drink?
Sprite & Dr. Pepper
20. What is your favorite food?
Chicken Strips
21. What was/is your favorite subject in school?
I don't have a favorite subject, I've always hated school, lol.
22. What country do you live in?
23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo?
24. Are you a dog or cat person?
25. Describe yourself :D
I'm a chill, easy going, laid back, funny kind of guy. I love gaming, computers, & technology.  :cool:

MasterRahl | Nightwolf3218
1. What is your name?
- Nightwolf3218, Nightwolf, MasterRahl

2. When did you start playing MineCraft?
- Beginning of 2013

3. Is this your first server?
- No, I have been a member of a few servers but love DoD.

4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame?
- Haven't played that many, I like Spleef and ColorShuffle (think that is what it was called)

5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge?
- Everything.  I love the community that we are trying to build and the things we are trying to do here on the server.

6. Have you played SkyBlock before?
- No, this is my first SkyBlocks server and I loved the challenge when I first got here.  Things definitely don't seem as challenging now as they used to be when we first started up.

7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft?
- Plugins, they can add so much extra depth to the game

8. What is your favorite Mob?
- EnderDragon

9. What is your favorite block?
- Quartz

10. What is your favorite building style?
- I suck at building, I make things that work but not good at making things look good or like any particular building style.

11. Do you like to build?
- I like to pretend I know how to build

12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.)
- Automation, I love finding ways to automate as much as I possibly can.

13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team?
- I mostly play either alone or with my wife.  In order to work as a team, it has to be the right group of people

14. What is your favorite music?
- I have a wide taste in music.  I don't like any particular genre so much as I might like a song.

15. What is your favorite videogame?
- Secret of Mana

16. What is your favorite book/book series?
- Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind

17. What is your favorite TV Show?
- This is a hard one because I like so many.  Doctor Who and Sherlock, Fringe, Warehouse 13, and many more.

18. What is your favorite Movie?
- Another hard one.  Long Kiss Good Night, Boondock Saints, and many more

19. What is your favorite thing to drink?
- Pepsi, Sprite, Sweet Tea

20. What is your favorite food?
- Lasagna

21. What was/is your favorite subject in school?
- Math, Chemistry, Programming

22. What country do you live in?
- United States

23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo?
- Ventrilo all the way

24. Are you a dog or cat person?
- Yes

25. Describe yourself :D
- Not a lot to tell, I have a wide variety of interests, a busy life and not enough time for half the stuff I want or need to do.

FaliniFyreheart - Hello World!
Hey there!

1. What is your name? FaliniFyreheart, but you can call me Fyre or Fal.
2. When did you start playing MineCraft? Spring of 2013
3. Is this your first server? Nope, I have been a regular player on a few others before they went down.
4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame? Not sure. I guess I like Spleef and Mob Arena. I'm looking forward to trying Skywars!
5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge? The wonderful friends I've made and being able to play with them. I enjoy trying to make my island warp look nice. I used to be number 1 on balance top but someone else took over :P So now I'm just focused on being number one in the island top! Looking forward to Survival being open with the new things it will offer!
6. Have you played SkyBlock before? Yes, but only for a little bit. The community and staff were not good at all, so I went in search of a different Skyblocks server and here I am!
7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft? Being able to build whatever you can imagine, and having fun/parties with friends just to mess around. I love that there are resource packs and plugins. It makes it a completely different game! (One that I like.)
8. What is your favorite Mob? EnderDragon. Second favorite is Magma Cube. I also like wolves.
9. What is your favorite block? I like Beacons, Obsidian, Stone Bricks, and Glowstone.
10. What is your favorite building style? I like the buildings that Lin has made on her island. I also like medieval stuff.
11. Do you like to build? Sometimes. Once I start a project I normally want to finish it ASAP!
12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.) PvE I suppose? Building auto farms.
13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team? I like to play with a team of friends that I know and trust!
14. What is your favorite music? I enjoy most rock music, some techno/dance stuff, and game music (orchestral stuff)
15. What is your favorite videogame? I don't think I have a favorite.. I like: Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, EverQuest (older),
16. What is your favorite book/book series? R.A. Salvatore's Forgotten Realms series about Drizzt and his party. I also like the first half of Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamilton. Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. Lots more.. I like a lot. Mostly fantasy stuff.
17. What is your favorite TV Show? Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Warehouse 13, Fringe, Continuum, Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer..
18. What is your favorite Movie? Not sure. I like action and fantasy movies.
19. What is your favorite thing to drink? Coffee.
20. What is your favorite food? I don't know. Chicken?
21. What was/is your favorite subject in school? I don't think I had one :P
22. What country do you live in? United States
23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo? Ventrilo
24. Are you a dog or cat person? Dog person, tho I do like nice cats!
25. Describe yourself :D Maybe later. I dunno what to put here.

Intro to Bingo :D
This is a little bit about me  :)

1. What is your name?
My real name is Josh, but people call me Bingo or Dingo! I prefer you call me Bingo or Dingo in public chat, but other than that, I'm fine with any of them.

2. When did you start playing MineCraft?
I got the game on the Xbox sometime in 2012 I believe. but didn't get the PC version until January or 2013. I got really into playing it when I started to play on Google Blocks in February or March of that year.

3. Is this your first server?
Nope, Google Blocks was my first, and that was when I really got into playing Minecraft.

4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame?
Mine is... well, I don't play many minigames, I used to play a lot of Hunger Games but its been a while

5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge?
I would say my favorite part of DoD is the community. Most of the time its fun to just talk to everyone who plays.

6. Have you played SkyBlock before?
Yes I have, but i never really got far in it because it was always boring playing by myself and there wasn't a ton you could do. I did get pretty far on SkyDen, and lately i played a lot of Agrarian Skies (Both are modded skyblocks for those who don't know :))

7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft?
Probably the variety of ways you can do one specific thing, like farms, buildings, and just overall play style.

8. What is your favorite Mob?
The Pig, I have probably WAY too much fun riding them, just because of how derpy they move without a carrot on a stick

9. What is your favorite block?
I don't have one specific favorite, but my favorite blocks that go together are Obsidian and Nether Quartz.

10. What is your favorite building style?
I'm not a fan of making anything really contemporary. I like making medieval sorta builds, However most of the time I don't just build things for looks.

11. Do you like to build?
Like i said in the last question, I'm not a fan of building for looks. I prefer to build things that have a use.

12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.)
I think that I'm best at PvE, or at least I prefer PvE over the rest.

13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team?
I don't really mind if I work in a team or by myself. It's fun working in a team, but I tend to do better when by myself

14. What is your favorite music?
I don't listen to much music. Really all the music I listen to is Minecraft parodies on Youtube.

15. What is your favorite videogame?
Minecraft! :D

16. What is your favorite book/book series?
I hate reading books. Much rather play Minecraft!

17. What is your favorite TV Show?
I don't watch TV, only time is in the morning when I'm too tired to play games, and it's normally the news. But my favorite show from when I used to is Naruto

18. What is your favorite Movie?
The Lego Movie!

19. What is your favorite thing to drink?

20. What is your favorite food?
Chicken Fingers, with honey mustard

21. What was/is your favorite subject in school?

22. What country do you live in?
The United States of America

23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo?
I don't use them often, but it doesn't matter to me!

24. Are you a dog or cat person?
I have a cat, so i would say I'm a cat person.

25. Describe yourself :D
Just a person who plays Minecraft.. A lot.  And if you haven't realized by now... i like the color green :))

Horrible Introduction!
1. What is your name? My name is Mitch! But you guys can call me Horrible ;D
2. When did you start playing MineCraft? I started playing MineCraft a little over a year ago to be honest
3. Is this your first server?  Nope I have played on several others as well. Although this is the only one I am playing Now-a-Days.
4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame?  SkyWars is probably my favorite by far. Oh speaking of which vote/post on here if you want it added to the server:  Thank you!
5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge? My favorite part so far is definitely the people!
6. Have you played SkyBlock before? Yup I have played SkyBlock 7-8 times before and completed all the challenges on each one.
7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft? My favorite thing about MineCraft is that it is a survival game that does not give me a heartattack.
8. What is your favorite Mob? My favorite mob has not come out yet ;-; it will probably be the bunnies when 1.8 comes out.
9. What is your favorite block? My favorite block is probably... Cobble? I have no clue lol.
10. What is your favorite building style? My favorite building style is probably Medieval/Nordic/Viking/Skyrim type lol.
11. Do you like to build? Yup although sometimes it can get boring.
12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.) I am probably a better PvP player than anything else to be honest.
13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team? I don't mind either one, although I sometimes go lonewolf when I play with a team.
14. What is your favorite music? Chillstep, Soft Rock, Rock, etc.
15. What is your favorite videogame? Fallout 3  and they better make a good Fallout 4.
16. What is your favorite book/book series? Game of Thrones
17. What is your favorite TV Show? Walking Dead is my favorite still running show, Firefly is my favorite cancelled show.
18. What is your favorite Movie? Ooo this is a hard one, I love almost every movie. "Almost".
19. What is your favorite thing to drink? Irish coffee with Bailey's Irish Cream, not those silly coffee creamers they came out with, the good stuff.
20. What is your favorite food? Steak and bacon.
21. What was/is your favorite subject in school? History, hence me becoming a History Teacher.
22. What country do you live in? USA
23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo? Never used Ventrilo, TeamSpeak isn't bad but it depends who all is in it.
24. Are you a dog or cat person? Dog
25. Describe yourself :D I am the average Joe, I make my own beef jerky, cut firewood, hunt, fish, etc etc. Oh I also look exactly like my skin.

A "Devious" Introduction!
Hey there! To all the players out there on DoD (and whoever else see's this)  :p I figured I would introduce myself. So here goes!
1. What is your name? My name is Nathan. Friends call me Nate. Everyone else just calls me either Devious or Dev. According to my ign being: xXIIDeviousIIXx
2. When did you start playing MineCraft? I started playing minecraft around the same time Fal did  ;-) So if your interested go check out her intro!  :D
3. Is this your first server? DoD is not my first server overall. But it is my first skyblock server  :o That being said, I hope it to be my last since I love it!
4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame? Hmmm... I would have to say that my favourite minecraft minigame would be "Dwarves vs Zombies"
5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge? My favourite part about DoD is, along with all the friendly and helpful players/staff, the mcMMO. I have always enjoyed the mcMMO aspect ever since I discovered it was a thing :p
6. Have you played SkyBlock before? I have not unfortunately  :( But im loving DoD!
7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft? My favourite thing about Minecraft... It would have to be the people. During my time on Minecraft ive met some extraordinary people and do not/never will regret it!
8. What is your favorite Mob? My favourite mob would have to be a tie between the skeleton and the Zombie pigman. Although they add a higher difficulty to the game for some players, I love a challenge!
9. What is your favorite block? My favourite block would have to be leaves. I know I havnt specified but I just love all the different types :)
10. What is your favorite building style? I love building with a Medieval style. Although this is changed a lot throughout my builds.
11. Do you like to build? I love to build!
12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.) PvP by far  :thumb: but unfortunately as of late I have been playing on a netbook so the lag is real!
13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team? For me this is a complicated question :p I prefer PvPing alone even when up against groups. Either that or im okay with another player tagging along. But in every other aspect of Minecraft I love being with others in a team!
14. What is your favorite music? I really have no preference here.
15. What is your favorite videogame? My favourite videogame of all time would have to be Zelda! I have played all the originals and loved every minute of it. Reminds me of my childhood! Windwaker for the Gamecube!!  ;-)
16. What is your favorite book/book series? I don't do much on the reading front but out of the few books I have taken the time to read. I would have to say that either "The Hunger Games" (Any of the 3 books really) or "Fifty shades of grey". Haha I realise theres a big difference in genre now :p
17. What is your favorite TV Show? My favourite TV show is: "The Walking Dead"!!!
18. What is your favorite Movie? My favourite Movie is either: "28 Weeks later" or "Black hawk down"
19. What is your favorite thing to drink? Coke!!!
20. What is your favorite food? Chicken!! lol nah... In all honesty im not exactly fussy.
21. What was/is your favorite subject in school? Biology
22. What country do you live in? England!
23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo? Never used either before
24. Are you a dog or cat person? Dog
25. Describe yourself :D To those who dont know me im quiet. To my friends im outgoing and to my best friends im completely insane! I spend the majority of my spare time on Minecraft and therefore on DoD if possible. I try to be as helpful as possible to those who need it and will always put the happiness of those I care for before my own. As you can probably tell I tend to use a lot of emoticons for no exact reason but oh well! Hmmm... Id rather not get to detailed into who I am as ill let the myserty remain :p but theres one last thing I would like to say... I love DoD!  :D

Introductions / Introduce Yourself!
« on: January 06, 2017, 06:32:00 AM »
Feel free to make a New Thread and introduce yourself to the community! You can tell us about yourself, or copy and fill out the form below! (Put your answers after the [/b])

Code: [Select]
[b]1. What is your name?[/b]
[b]2. When did you start playing MineCraft?[/b]
[b]3. Is this your first server?[/b]
[b]4. What is your favorite MineCraft Minigame?[/b]
[b]5. What is your favorite part of DoDEdge?[/b]
[b]6. Have you played SkyBlock before?[/b]
[b]7. What is your favorite thing about MineCraft?[/b]
[b]8. What is your favorite Mob?[/b]
[b]9. What is your favorite block?[/b]
[b]10. What is your favorite building style?[/b]
[b]11. Do you like to build?[/b]
[b]12. What are you best at in MineCraft? (Building, PvP, PvE, etc.)[/b]
[b]13. Do you prefer to play alone or with a team?[/b]
[b]14. What is your favorite music?[/b]
[b]15. What is your favorite videogame?[/b]
[b]16. What is your favorite book/book series?[/b]
[b]17. What is your favorite TV Show?[/b]
[b]18. What is your favorite Movie?[/b]
[b]19. What is your favorite thing to drink?[/b]
[b]20. What is your favorite food?[/b]
[b]21. What was/is your favorite subject in school?[/b]
[b]22. What country do you live in?[/b]
[b]23. Do you like to use TeamSpeak or Ventrilo?[/b]
[b]24. Are you a dog or cat person?[/b]
[b]25. Describe yourself :D[/b]

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